felt kinda bad


New Member
Jul 27, 2008
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So this guy who walks in my place of employment (eww) came in and I noticed that he has two hearing aids (one in each ear). The lady that works in the store was assisting him with what he needed. I walked pass the man a few times today and I felt bad because I don't know how to sign. I think he had a hard time hearing her and she had a hard time understanding him because of his speech. Its like if I knew how to sign then I would have helped with the situation better *maybe..I hope*. I signed up for ASL for one of my classes (sorta had to to fill a requirement) but I don't have the money/time to take the second level course at community college. I really wish that my place would get people who could sign. Although not alot of people come in who are hard of hearing. We also have a person who doesn't speak alot of english and he's a spanish speaker. Yet we can still communicate with him when we need to with english. Anyways, does anyone work at a place where you have to know ASL? Not including schools but I'm talking about like a hospital or a store. I really wish that I could have helped him. I know I shouldn't worry about it because I couldn't change the situation but its one of those things that kinda vexes me because I like to help people when I can (family doesn't count lol).
maybe put up a help wanted sign to hire ASL interpreter?
What happen with papers and pen to write down if he does not understand the salesclerk and he will write down paper for the salesclerk to understand him? You also never know if he knows ASL or any other sign language to communicate or he might not knows ASL like you. Like Jiro said that he made the suggestion that the store hire a ASL interpreter. Is that possible to do that. :hmm:
Bebonang got it right about the pen and paper. You can't be sure just because he was hard of hearing he can sign.