feedback, what's normal?


New Member
Jul 10, 2012
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Hi all. My baby was fitted with his hearing aids today. It seemed okay at the office but once we got home I realized how much feedback we were getting. Lying down positions or sitting in an infant seat were causing constant feedback. If his ear was even close to anything we were getting it... We are going back tomorrow to take new impressions for earmolds and I'm pretty frustrated because now we have to wait again.
Is there anything I can do in the meantime and also does this sound normal? He's a little baby and he doesn't hold his head up on his own very well so even when I just hold him and his head rests against me or close I'm getting feedback. It seems like it only stopped when he was positioned without his ears near anything really. Hopefully it's a fitting issue and not something that is typical with babies like this.
You might run into a lot of feedbacking problems with your baby, as his ears will grow and you'd have to get the earmolds replaced frequently. If the volume is turned up high enough on his hearing aids, that can cause a lot of feedback problems, especially when something is close to the hearing aids (floor, blanket, hats, headrest on the car set, etc.). I can't really put anything close to my hearing aid cause it'll feedback otherwise and it's mainly due to the amount of volume that is programmed onto my hearing aid.

Is feedback control turned on on the hearing aid? Is that even an option? Talk with the audiologist about this; some digital hearing aids have some sort of feedback control option. And hopefully a new earmold that fits properly will help as well.
Yeah, a growing baby.... Replacing the molds probably would have to be done every weeks. may get expensive.
Get a soft ear mold in case you haven't already. If that doesn't work try a hard earmold and wrap dental cushion grip around the ear canal part.

Another idea is to use doublesided tape and use it on the hearing aid so that it'll stick to the baby's head.

If all the above doesn't work then yes it's time for an audiologist, it probably is just not fitted right. And this is a baby we're talking about here, he's gonna keep outgrowing his earmolds, just a fact of life.