FBI needs to hire deaf employee


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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The Federal Eye reported last week on an Office of Personnel Management employee who sent an e-mail seeking a volunteer with sign language skills to assist a new hire who is deaf. Although OPM says it provides interpreters, co-workers were hoping a volunteer would teach them basic skills so they could better communicate with their new colleague. What acts of generosity of spirit have you witnessed among your colleagues?

-- E-mail your answer to federalworker@washpost.com and include your full name, home town and the agency for which you work. We might include your response in Friday's Washington Post.

When answers are particularly sensitive, we will consider a respondent's request to withhold full identification.


I remember that Sue Thomas was retired from FBI.
oh that's cool. Belle should email them!
cool that is good idea volunteer, I notice some few my friends really security but
can't hear, reason hard to easy! That is rough.