Fastest you've gone on a bicycle/motorcycle?


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Jun 4, 2004
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Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Long time ago, I created a thread about fastest in a car, now on 2 or 3 wheel motorcycles, bikes or mopeds. :)
Fastest on a moped was hmm 4 mph, I was learning how to drive a powered bicycle. :lol:

Bicycle: about 30 to 35 mph going downhill.
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When we first got our newly converted-into-a-trike Honda Gold Wing 1500, we tested it's proclaimed safety for balance, etc, we took it up to 90 mph and held that speed for about three miles on a safe stretch of freeway with hardly any traffic and we were happy with the result!
I think 25mph on my moped, in my much younger days when I had two functioning eyes. :lol:
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Long time ago, I created a thread about fastest in a car, now on 2 or 3 wheel motorcycles, bikes or mopeds. :)
Fastest on a moped was hmm 4 mph, I was learning how to drive a powered bicycle. :lol:

Bicycle: about 30 to 35 mph going downhill.

I dunno on a bicycle.....It felt like 100 mph....guessing it was 35-40. It was down a very steep hill (city street) a cop gave us a talking to. We also used to play chicken on a very steep, narrow blind alley. I never hit a car but did have to lay it down to avoid cars a couple of times. Nice rush and road rash.

Never gone very fast on a motorcycle maybe 70 or so tops.
fastest i've gone on a motorcycle is 100mph. maybe it was the fact that it was a cruiser kind of bike (800cc) but i felt like the bike was floating. i would only go that fast with a sport bike or a heavy (1500) cruiser
done 115mph, interesting! I do have plan to try 150mph. That is when these condition mets, no dense woods miles wide, clear visible next 50 miles and of course smokies must not be visible or none of known hidden spots.

Police is not the top issue, the real issue is stupid animals (Especailly Deer, and god forbid black bears) that don't look both ways before crossing the road .
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Diehardbiker, try Iowa? No, that won't work. We get lot of roadkills.
done 115mph, interesting! I do have plan to try 150mph. That is when these condition mets, no dense woods miles wide, clear visible next 50 miles and of course smokies must not be visible or none of known hidden spots.

Police is not the top issue, the real issue is stupid animals (Especailly Deer, and god forbid black bears) that don't look both ways before crossing the road .

".....don't look both ways before crossing.......". :lol:
At 150 on a bike I would be worried about a snail.
I think about 100-105 mph on my motorcycle. can't go any faster unless I go downhill or change my sprockets. :mad2:

my current setting took off 7 mph.
Heck, squirrels or rabbits that dash out straight ahead and then see something coming and turn around and get squished.

I've gone 55 mph and had a female deer run across a road where I struck it (after I slammed on the brake perhaps slowing it down to 45 before hitting it). Going 150 mph on an open road is pure stupidity. Sorry. I see it as irresponsible and reckless to try that not knowing what's ahead. At 150 mph you don't have the necessary reflex speed to avoid any kind of an accident should something suddenly come up on your radar screen by then it'd be too late. If if you have miles of open view. You don't know what's ahead whether it's an animal, an object in the road or a pothole.

Remember these photos?

155 mph motorcycle crash looks

Again, foolhardy, reckless and a moron for anybody to try and do that. I'm telling it as it is here. Value your life for once.
Koko, I agree absolutely. Off topic for a sec; at the end of that article under "Other news", I clicked on the one about Honda venturing into aviation. They are building this beautiful jet (there's a picture of it); they are now building the factory and hope to roll out the first jet..3rd qtr of 2012....such a diverse company....
Koko, I agree absolutely. Off topic for a sec; at the end of that article under "Other news", I clicked on the one about Honda venturing into aviation. They are building this beautiful jet (there's a picture of it); they are now building the factory and hope to roll out the first jet..3rd qtr of 2012....such a diverse company....

I love Honda.....they make great mowers too.
Back in 1980's, I ridden bicycle close to 45mph. It was rather scary. I was pedalling really hard on my sister's new 10 speed bike on a steep hill (I was on 10th gear). It was really fast and I decide to lock front brake before I cross the intersection. Her bike flipped me over and I flew and crashing and spinning on pavement until I stopped just 10 feet from interstection while her bike tumbled and landed on top of me. That hurts!!! I got scrape and bruises everywhere and walk home with her bike like an 80 years old man. She was pissed at me cuz her bike handlebar wrap had scrape on it and seat a bit ripped.

As for moped, I've attained 45mph by tweaking throttle easy. It was 1978 Batavus Regency HS. My moped was the fastest of moped groups because many mopeds have "governer" built in while mine don't. Group of 5 deaf moped riders were jealous cuz I was waaay ahead of them so I decide to let them ride mine and I ride theirs to keep them happy.

On Motorcycle, I've only done 0 to 75mph in 3 seconds on my brother's 1979 Honda 4 cylinders 750-4 Super Sport. It was rather scary beast I've ridden because I had to hold handlebar until my knuckle was white or else I will fly off.

Back in 1980's, I ridden bicycle close to 45mph. It was rather scary. I was pedalling really hard on my sister's new 10 speed bike on a steep hill (I was on 10th gear). It was really fast and I decide to lock front brake before I cross the intersection. Her bike flipped me over and I flew and crashing and spinning on pavement until I stopped just 10 feet from interstection while her bike tumbled and landed on top of me. That hurts!!! I got scrape and bruises everywhere and walk home with her bike like an 80 years old man. She was pissed at me cuz her bike handlebar wrap had scrape on it and seat a bit ripped.

LOL, 30-35 mph on a bicycle going downhill feels LOT faster than driving in a car at 75 mph. It's scary because of braking issue. :lol: I also rode a rental mountain bike in Colorado and went downhill with my friend. It was pretty fast and the brakes got red-hot once when we were at the bottom of the hill!

As for moped, I've attained 45mph by tweaking throttle easy. It was 1978 Batavus Regency HS. My moped was the fastest of moped groups because many mopeds have "governer" built in while mine don't. Group of 5 deaf moped riders were jealous cuz I was waaay ahead of them so I decide to let them ride mine and I ride theirs to keep them happy.

I can imagine...I'm still scared to drive a motorcycle even though I learned how to drive a moped once.

On Motorcycle, I've only done 0 to 75mph in 3 seconds on my brother's 1979 Honda 4 cylinders 750-4 Super Sport. It was rather scary beast I've ridden because I had to hold handlebar until my knuckle was white or else I will fly off.
Yea, not surprised because my childhood friend had a Honda CBR900 sport bike....SCARY! He was rushing past us on the side street at over 75 mph like no tomorrow!


Waaaaay back in the day.... I was riding the back of an old Indian rat bike with a hard core biker friend. We were doing well over 100. It was awesome. Glad I did it. Glad my momma never found out. lol
Waaaaay back in the day.... I was riding the back of an old Indian rat bike with a hard core biker friend. We were doing well over 100. It was awesome. Glad I did it. Glad my momma never found out. lol

Now dear.... Tell me what else you did that you're glad your momma never found out..... My PM box is open for you to use, just so you know..


You betcha you ain't speed demon. Moped is good start because it won't go over 30mph unless you hacked the carburetor or drop in bigger cc engine.

There are Scooter (like moped on a steroid) can do 85mph or up, It's have fatter tires and bigger body. Scooter required motorcycle license while Moped don't. DL place would not allow you to take riding test on scooter just for motorcycle license. That's so odd!!

Mountain bike brake went red hot :rofl: That reminded my brother coasting down long steep hill at MT Baker park and at the bottom of hill, his brake was smoking :rofl: