Ex microsoft manager now going to import weed from mexico!!!

I find the quote about availability and usage pretty uninformed. It's so common anyone who wants it can get it. I personally wouldn't smoke it even if it was legal but i've got nothing against it. I'm also interested to see what the feds will decide to do.
I find the quote about availability and usage pretty uninformed. It's so common anyone who wants it can get it. I personally wouldn't smoke it even if it was legal but i've got nothing against it. I'm also interested to see what the feds will decide to do.

hmm it would be, but thing is, its legal in that state, maybe youre speaking of, say interception by postage going via other states as to 'sabotarge'?

in New Zealand, at the moment there's a flare about about legal 'highs' that is party pills and sythentic cannabis...
i agree these should be scrapped altogether and jsut plainly let people smoke pot...

its far less dangerous and more creative than alcohol...

i , too dont smoke it (used to)...but
i'd prefer a really naturally clear head for those hard intellectual work that i do.

pot might help a little but in long term, it wont... memory affects on the long term...

but still i think artifical of anything that makes you high, is far more lethal than natural, even Shrooms is better than LSD...

the wear outs is much better...and well concentration of the psycho-active compounds is less severe to really do damages...

plastic is worse than wood. all the same...

**my 4 cents...inflation factored in**
It's still illegal federally so the dea will still arrest anyone breaking federal law regardless of state law.
that's weird , so why would he get into business if its not going to work properly?
that's weird , so why would he get into business if its not going to work properly?

He wants to corner the market and get established before anyone else. It does say in the artical that he doesnt know yet how its going to work with international and federal law.
I've always thought that responsible people would be resonsible, the rest don't care if it's illegal. Why not legalize drugs, get rid of all the expensive agencies for drug enforcment reduce tax payer cost to prosecute and jail people, tax the stuff and stop sending that money to drug cartels.
I've always thought that responsible people would be resonsible, the rest don't care if it's illegal. Why not legalize drugs, get rid of all the expensive agencies for drug enforcment reduce tax payer cost to prosecute and jail people, tax the stuff and stop sending that money to drug cartels.

Should we legalize prostitution and the sex slavery too? Would it put criminals out of business? I doubt it.

This guy may peddle this idea in California fine but good luck selling it to Eastern Asia where they've put people to death for carrying drugs into their country.

Should we legalize prostitution and the sex slavery too? Would it put criminals out of business? I doubt it.

This guy may peddle this idea in California fine but good luck selling it to Eastern Asia where they've put people to death for carrying drugs into their country.


Yes i would legalize prostitution and no slavery is wrong so i dont think thats ok. Criminals in general are just criminals but where do you think drug cartels get most of there money? I think its from selling drugs. Legalizing them would put some big hurt on their power.
Laura has a good point, but legalizing it would put a big hurt on their power. Honestly, though, I think we should just keep it illegal. Maybe the system in place is preventing more hoboes. Who knows? I may be wrong.
Yes i would legalize prostitution and no slavery is wrong so i dont think thats ok. Criminals in general are just criminals but where do you think drug cartels get most of there money? I think its from selling drugs. Legalizing them would put some big hurt on their power.

So it shouldn't surprise you that many "prostitutes" are forced sex slaves. Good luck sorting out the willing participants from those whose families are being threatened....I’m sure we won’t mind spending considerable funds on health care and victim assistance specialists…and all the medical care costs for people we’ll permanently have to supervise and watch for infractions. Maybe we can legalize drinking for children too?
So it shouldn't surprise you that many "prostitutes" are forced sex slaves. Good luck sorting out the willing participants from those whose families are being threatened....I’m sure we won’t mind spending considerable funds on health care and victim assistance specialists…and all the medical care costs for people we’ll permanently have to supervise and watch for infractions. Maybe we can legalize drinking for children too?

Should we legalize prostitution and the sex slavery too? Would it put criminals out of business?

No, but it would reduce the price so much that pimps wouldn't make a big profit. And, that's really all they are in the game for, isn't it?
No, but it would reduce the price so much that pimps wouldn't make a big profit. And, that's really all they are in the game for, isn't it?

Actually, no...many keep personal slaves for private use too. Hence, the forced labor part. If it were only about money, drugs would be the better bet.
Should we legalize prostitution and the sex slavery too? Would it put criminals out of business? I doubt it.

This guy may peddle this idea in California fine but good luck selling it to Eastern Asia where they've put people to death for carrying drugs into their country.


No, I don't want legalize prostitution and sex slavery.

So it shouldn't surprise you that many "prostitutes" are forced sex slaves. Good luck sorting out the willing participants from those whose families are being threatened....I’m sure we won’t mind spending considerable funds on health care and victim assistance specialists…and all the medical care costs for people we’ll permanently have to supervise and watch for infractions. Maybe we can legalize drinking for children too?

No, I don't want legalize drinking for children, however I think it should lower to 18 or let states to make decision rather than federal.
Laura has a good point, but legalizing it would put a big hurt on their power. Honestly, though, I think we should just keep it illegal. Maybe the system in place is preventing more hoboes. Who knows? I may be wrong.

legalising would be a big hurt on the criminals, not the govts, come think of it, MOST people who smoked/smokes pot are NOT criminals, just ordinary people like you and me...
hell one might i smoked 8 joints, and finsihed an essay from start to finish in ONE NIGHT, and guess what? I got an A grade for it.