
Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Do you believe that we have evolved? Not necessarily from apes, but from more apelike creatures? Please give your reasons.

It would be interesting to see what all of us have opinions for this. :)
Yes. I do believe in having a slowly currently evoulation over years and years. Like the lizards had no legs at old cave times. Now they have legs and arms. I sorta of believe that we were apelikes for one example. I will think of more and will come back.
Well, it is a biological fact that we've all evolved, and we continue to do so!

I studied Anthropology, there are three diversions in Anthropology -- Biological (which studies the evolution of mankind), Physical (similar to Archaeology), and Cultural (which is my emphasis).

Perhaps you need to pose a bigger question -- where did we all come from? Did God put us here, Adam and Eve made us? Or did we merely come from microrganisms that had evoluted into larger creatures? Perhaps that'd bring a bigger debate that you seek.

Whatcha think?
Sweet_KJ said:
Well, it is a biological fact that we've all evolved, and we continue to do so!

I studied Anthropology, there are three diversions in Anthropology -- Biological (which studies the evolution of mankind), Physical (similar to Archaeology), and Cultural (which is my emphasis).

Perhaps you need to pose a bigger question -- where did we all come from? Did God put us here, Adam and Eve made us? Or did we merely come from microrganisms that had evoluted into larger creatures? Perhaps that'd bring a bigger debate that you seek.

Whatcha think?

Hey You are more than welcome to ask more questions about evoulation. I admit I do not have any deep knowledges about it but always find it so interesting. Yeah you have good questions here. I appreciate you joining this here as I hope for. :D Thank you..

Like I mention I will try to get back to give my opinions after I skim about the evuolation to re fresh my mind.
I only know a little that I do believe that the cell and something that is alive to produce a bigger creatures as well as plants.
I read somewhere that an innovator and genelogist ..umm i think dahli? said that there is a sort of "Tree of Life", from which each species is interrelated to any other species in some way from these evolutionary branches. These "branches" evolved from SOME kind of organism and EVOLVED into what we know today as humans..

Anyone else heard of this?, I learned it in my history class..

peace and respect to all.