Ever been back-stabbed by someone?

I have to pull this thread for newbies to ask you all to share your opinions here with us. :thumb:
SeattleDeafGrl said:
To anyone who has been a backstabber....you're not worth listening to. Enough said.

:gpost: I second that!
Oh yeah! I've been through all that shiz in high school by so called friends.

And I think it's a silly idea that just because I am friends with somebody that people think is backstabbing them, I should be distrusted as well. :dunno: Guilty by association. That's just plain wrong. I'd prefer to be disliked or liked on MY own recognization & action not others'. Makes sense?

Having friends doesn't mean I have to agree with everything my friends believe in. And vice versa. *smiles* They already know it. :deal:
Liza said:
Oh yeah! I've been through all that shiz in high school by so called friends.

And I think it's a silly idea that just because I am friends with somebody that people think is backstabbing them, I should be distrusted as well. :dunno: Guilty by association. That's just plain wrong. I'd prefer to be disliked or liked on MY own recognization & action not others'. Makes sense?

Having friends doesn't mean I have to agree with everything my friends believe in. And vice versa. *smiles* They already know it. :deal:


I think we all experienced that High School pish-posh, Liza. I certainly did. Actually, I experienced it moreso in Jr. High School. For some reason, it was worse for me during those years than in the later years, but I suppose that by the time I entered HS, I started becoming hardened to the way the kids treated each other?

Anyway, it was tough, but I learned a lot about trust in those years. I believe there is a lesson in everything. One just has to be open to that lesson.

Would you agree? ;)
Getting tired of them whoever being contuines backstabbing againist me which never met me b4.. Why do you care countine backstabing againist anyone and also pretty silly as immatures! Adult is mature and grown up if not.. means you're still childlish immature!

I don't give you a damn whoever stab back 'bout me.. I ain't worry.. ain't interest your bogus stories. I'm tired of hearing anyone who whines againist anyone' repluation, Why can't you understand directly talk your own private message or person too.

If contuines, simple magic word "press the button ignore" if real life, just ingore them til whoever will give up and stop talk about you.. Ain't hurt you. :D
Back Stabbing

Let's be frank. BACKSTABBING is what deafies do best. The lack of appropriate English contributes alot to this.

Yes, the Hearing do it too, but their culture is huge, so most people do not hear about it. The deaf world is tiny with LOTSA ratfinks.
Oceanbreeze said:

I think we all experienced that High School pish-posh, Liza. I certainly did. Actually, I experienced it moreso in Jr. High School. For some reason, it was worse for me during those years than in the later years, but I suppose that by the time I entered HS, I started becoming hardened to the way the kids treated each other?

Anyway, it was tough, but I learned a lot about trust in those years. I believe there is a lesson in everything. One just has to be open to that lesson.

Would you agree? ;)

I agree with what you are saying about lessons, Oceanbreeze, and I think it totally sucks that you've had to endure bullying at a younger age. I think it is also a possibility that some of us learned to trust those to be capable of being bullies. Aint I right? ;) Kinda happens to everyone, though... even so now, I find myself on my guard. :dunno:
Bullym0m said:
Getting tired of them whoever being contuines backstabbing againist me which never met me b4.. Why do you care countine backstabing againist anyone and also pretty silly as immatures! Adult is mature and grown up if not.. means you're still childlish immature!

I don't give you a damn whoever stab back 'bout me.. I ain't worry.. ain't interest your bogus stories. I'm tired of hearing anyone who whines againist anyone' repluation, Why can't you understand directly talk your own private message or person too.

If contuines, simple magic word "press the button ignore" if real life, just ingore them til whoever will give up and stop talk about you.. Ain't hurt you. :D

Ouch, girl! I hear you.
Liza said:
I agree with what you are saying about lessons, Oceanbreeze, and I think it totally sucks that you've had to endure bullying at a younger age. I think it is also a possibility that some of us learned to trust those to be capable of being bullies. Aint I right? ;) Kinda happens to everyone, though... even so now, I find myself on my guard. :dunno:

I also find myself to be gaurded due to my earlier years. My experience with bullies actually dates way back to my elementary school years, but I have selective recall of most of that. I consider myself lucky that I do, because, I'm aware that it was quite bad for me.

Anyway, it certainly shaped the person I am today. I don't trust many people. Even still, I managed to make some friends. This small group of people that I call my friends are the ones I would trust with my life. I gave up the idea of popular, and I went with what I knew. It is what saved my sanity, and it quite possibly saved my life as well.

From one gaurded person to another, you are a'ight by me! :thumb:

I dont care if a person still stabbacking against me then dont ever contact me again and i promise i wont bother a person again .... a person still looser what a person have done to me ... i cant forgive a person ... one times and thats it.... thats my way.. I am not going to change my minds when a person give me a shitty or hurt my feeling... it is not good at all. how many time i should give a forgive a person again ?? over again and over again..... and wont stop and tired of what a person keep stabbacking against me for nothing... the best way dont give second chances again .. it is very rare to give a second chances
some people belive a person say a stories about me... then some people wont speak with me again because of another person already told another person.... i let a person will studie on me and a person make big mistake that i am nothing wrong with me..... then a person will start fresh talk to me and enjoy chat to chat ... I know it is hard for me trust a person and it is not easy at all ....
I usally ignorce or saw a person talk about me... thats mean a person is not honest person or love to get a troublemaker...
some people beleive in a stabbacking is okay and there are nothing wrong with this .... some people dont like stabbacking
you know noone is not perfect and i am not perfect either... do you think god is perfect ?? how you know the god is perfect ?? I cant see the god ... everyone must have lie too because of protective yourself .... sometime i do lies for a good reason... they dont need to know about my personal matters.... sometime i make some mistake and everyone make mistaken too ... thats lifes goes on !!
Sabrina said:
I'm very sorry that you are feeling that way. I'm in your same shoes that it's been happening to me. If you knew those people who are stabbing your back. You just have to forget about them for a while because they are not worth. I know you find it hard to believe what kind of people they are because you thought they are your friends. I feel the same way. Believe me!, it hurt me like hell but I have to move on with my life. There are some people you will realize who are your true friends in your lifetime. Just go on and do your things that make you happy.

Yes, I can image it's very hurtful because I has been through the same situation as you. I have to move with my life after learn what kind of people is which I thought is my true friend. :(
Liza said:
Oh yeah! I've been through all that shiz in high school by so called friends.

And I think it's a silly idea that just because I am friends with somebody that people think is backstabbing them, I should be distrusted as well. :dunno: Guilty by association. That's just plain wrong. I'd prefer to be disliked or liked on MY own recognization & action not others'. Makes sense?

Having friends doesn't mean I have to agree with everything my friends believe in. And vice versa. *smiles* They already know it. :deal:

:werd: I had been through like this before. It's no fun.

It's sad that the people got wrong head when they found out who I am befriend with.
I remember one thing.

I invited few from mother and child group to attend Danny's 1st birthday party in my house which I thought I found a nice friend. Everything goes wonderful.

Few weeks later I was informed that one of mothers told everyone what my house is which it's not nice things. I have to beleive them because the description match correct and said nothing to her. I made many excuses for not come to visit her or not bother to fax her etc. It got her bad feeling after learn that I invited friends except her to have a garden party at my place. I gave her honest answer because she asked me to solve this issue with her because she noticed my odd behavior. I forgave her because I like that way she admitted her mistakes.

Ignore is the best because you know that they are not your true friend.
:( Backstabbing can be a painful, hurtful thing, sadly, especially when it turns out to be a good friend. I would see this person at the deaf club, deaf social events, deaf tournaments, and she would always be by my side, talking to me ever so sweetly, but, very critical of others, always have something negative to say about anybody. Then when she goes home, she hops on her tty, her computer or pager, and would tell people I would be the one spreading rumors that she started. No matter where I went, someone deaf would be angry at me, but, the more people that confronted me, when I explained what really happened, they realized that it wasn't me and it was my supposedly good friend. Today, this person has no friends, no one wants to talk to her, or even bother with her. She has got just what she deserved. But did she learn her lesson? No, she still hasn't, and still uses my name all the time. It really boils down to sheer jealousy. What is funny is I will look her straight in the face, but, she cannot make any eye contact with me. That's her problem to deal with now, and hopefully she gets the help she needs.
There are no winners in backstabbing, but, a lot of losers.
oakbluffs said:
I don't like it when someone stabs my back. He or she likes to say nasty stuff about me. It can hurt my reputation, even if the stories are untrue.

Have you ever been a victim of backstabbing or rumors?

Oakbluffs, HONEST with you, IN MY REAL-REALITY LIFE on earth, I really don't care of what deaf people whoever stab my backs.. IF SOMEONE TRY TO HURT MY ROLE REPUTATION, which not hurt my emotions with thoughts of what the fucking do they think of my many ways about who I was that born. Because I really used it with many situations.. people know that they can't get their in my way.

My question point is Have you see any deaf people try to get their ways in real thugs of group around? my answer is NO! they are such CHICKEN and fear of gangs around.. Like they can't dare themselves walk through warps [like bees] of group where the society is at... but they can talk shyt about that insects of groups what they loath and try to rid of wasp's own reputation but can't.. they just speak of bad things in themselves for themselves.. it is thier problem that what they dislike your or my way.. not mine or your problem.. simply no worry about their problem is their!

REMEMBER: They did not hurt your reputation and emotions in your whole life. but THEY REALLY HURT THEMSELVES once they talked shyt about you. they already hurt themselves.. you have no need any feeling hurt yourself in you because of that.. get my words?! wink!
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Oceanbreeze said:
I've also been the victim of rumors, misinformation, innuendo, and whatever else. I've gotten pretty immune to it, though. I hear things that people are allegedly saying about me, and I just :whistle:

I've learned to ignore the :gossip:

Same here. I find that silence is often the best defense. Rumors will then die out eventually.