Easy Peach Cobblers


New Member
May 22, 2005
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2 cans Peach fruits (drained)


2 cans Peach filling pie

1 box Yellow Cake Mix

Bake @ 350. Put one stick butter in 9"x13" pan in oven when melted butter. 2 cans of Peach fruits to drained (or use peach filling pie), pour into melted butter pan. 1 box Yellow Cake Mix package (dry) to sprinkle all over peaches into pan. Each dot of maragine or slice of butters drop on topping (alike 12 thin slices of butters spread over topping), to bake in oven for 30-40 minutes or when golden brown to take out.

** What your favorite of fruits either filling pie may use these, either what your favorite cake mix but most good are Yellow cake Mix. I've tried Cherry, raspberry, strawberries, apple and peaches what I usually use these recipe with Yellow Cake Mix.
uh oh , easy directions! haha. dang... i will try that one day! :).. thanks for your time! :)

Your welcome.. My brother was chef to be asked me helping him just like this recipe what baking a lots (sever for 250 ppl). I learned from my brother what I love doing this easy recipe :)