ears fatiguing


New Member
Aug 14, 2013
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hi all i was wondering if you have ever noticed that your ears seem to fatigue more in the warmer months? atm it is mid spring and we are going through a heat wave of above average temps in qld australia, i have noticed this week my ears are fatiguing more and by afternoon the tinnitus i have is extreme to the point it kind of makes my hearing go fade in and out with the rushes and blood pulses if that makes sense.. i still take my hearing aids out after lunch for a break and usually have a nap still. i havnt done anything different other then getting in the pool but i havnt got water in my ears today at all and they still feel extra fatigued but not as bad. maybe its just the extra heat taking more out of my body. just thought i would ask see if anyone has this happen to them? the other thing i hate about summer and heat is how gross and sweaty the ears and aids feel at times.
You might try taking antihistamines in the summer months with extra pollen, etc.