Early Education in NJ


New Member
Aug 31, 2006
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I would like to teach in an early learning center for Deaf children. I have a passion for early literacy and the difference it can make in children's lives. My husband and I are moving to NJ in the next couple of months and with some research I have found that I need a Deaf Ed degree or at least an EIPA(still not quite sure what this is). I have a degree in Early Childhood. I want to position myself to get into a early learning enviroment for Deaf children as quickly as possible. I havn't signed in over five years so I am rustly to say the least. I don't want to go back to school and get another degree. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can qualify myself to be in a early learning Deaf classroom without going back to school. Is there an acclerated programs? I know I need proficient sign skills but I don't really want to be an terp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You can contact someone at Lake Drive Program in Mountain Lakes, NJ.

Lake Drive Program: Individual Child... Individual Potential

Mountain Lakes High School

It also have Mountain Lakes High School and it has Deaf program there.

By the way, I will move to New Jersey in 2-3 months, I hope!

That's cool you will move to the Toxic State which, btw, is where Nutty lives. I suggest you wait before moving to NJ till after the next hurricane goes thru her and cleans her up! :fingersx:
That's cool you will move to the Toxic State which, btw, is where Nutty lives. I suggest you wait before moving to NJ till after the next hurricane goes thru her and cleans her up! :fingersx:

Thats funny! :giggle: Yes, it is true...it is a toxic state!! Nah, I will live somewhere south away from Nutty and Alex. :cool:
Lake drive is very near the area we are moving to. It would be my dream job to work there in almost any capacity, but I spoke to someone there and they said they only hire teachers that have a "Deaf Ed" degree. I am very suprised they wouldn't consider an Early Ed degree for the pre-school at least. Maybe I talked to the wrong person. Where are you moving to in NJ? Does anyone know anyone that teaches in NJ without a Deaf Ed degree?
Lake drive is very near the area we are moving to. It would be my dream job to work there in almost any capacity, but I spoke to someone there and they said they only hire teachers that have a "Deaf Ed" degree. I am very suprised they wouldn't consider an Early Ed degree for the pre-school at least. Maybe I talked to the wrong person. Where are you moving to in NJ? Does anyone know anyone that teaches in NJ without a Deaf Ed degree?

Well, I know someone who is a teacher's aide in NJ, I think she is working at Lakes Drive (I am not sure..I have to ask her) and she got AA degree, but plan to take courses at a University in Spring of 2007 to obtain BA degree in Deaf Education.

Yes, Getting BA or MA in Deaf Education/Education is highly required for potential teachers. Not just in NJ, required degrees are everywhere in US, FYI. I have BS in Special Education at U of AZ, but I work at Vocational Rehabilitation office (I also have MS degree in Rehabilitation Counseling).

I will move somewhere near Neptune, NJ sometime this Nov-Dec. I am still waiting for a final certification letter before I notify my apt manager to vacant my apartment.