ear molds


New Member
Jul 30, 2012
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whats ur opinion on skelton ear molds?
They don't work well for profound hearing loss.
As your low freq is good they may work as your high freq is only profound. Ask your Audi.
I don't own that type but however, they may look good depending on your loss. (I'm moderately-severe to severe but I can be borderline severe when I'm wearing. my 2nd aids.)
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I didn't like them at all - and I was using them for "only" mild/mod SNHL. They slipped and rubbed, especially when chewing (eating, gum etc). In the summer it was even worse due to sweating and heat.

I really much prefer my full shell silicone moulds. Much more comfortable and I find better sound quality as well (better seal etc).