Dry & Store Global ll


New Member
Jun 19, 2012
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Just got this dryer. Used it first time last night. Seems to work pretty good. Anybody have experience with this dryer?
I had it but went for the zephyr as I travel a lot for my job. It's very good, put your ear molds in it as well, the uv light will help with ear infections etc.
Would recommend fully opening the battery draw to allow the aid to be dried inside.
I have one, and i really ike it. Best investment for hearing aid care.
I have the Dry & Store global, and a Zypher (it came with my cochlear implant package). Haven't used the Zypher yet, only the Dry & Store. Don't use it very often as it's extremely dry in Wyoming. But when I do use it, it's nice and it works. When my hearing aid starts giving me issues, I stick it in the Dry & Store and that helps.
Ear infections are why I got it. I will know in the future if it helps. Looks like it is a quality piece of equipment. Audi recommended it.
I use one for my CI equipment, but unfortunately you do have to purchase dehumidifying bricks for it to work. You can use a renewable desicant, but in my experience they don't seem to be as effective as the bricks. I just don't have the patience to dry a desicant in the oven, the bricks are worthwhile.
I do. it's still working fine for over 3 years. it's a pricey equipment but it's worth every penny and dime because:

1. your HA will last longer
2. you do not have to replace tubing often
3. less itchy ears cuz of sweaty/dirty earmold

and the best part is.... a nice dry toasty HA every morning :lol: