Doctors for the deaf

Jay Parkinson

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
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My name is Dr. Jay Parkinson and I'm a pediatrician and preventive medicine doctor. I'm hearing. About 5 years ago, I started a primary care practice called Sherpaa where 98% of communication happens securely within our app, asynchronously like email. People use Sherpaa for issues a primary care doctor or urgent care center would treat. They join the practice, fire up our app, communicate, and get care. Our doctors diagnose, order tests, prescribe, treat, refer if we need to, and check in until you're all better. It's relationship-driven and you're always communicating with the same doctors. When you need to be seen in-person, we refer you to a local specialist or facility best suited for your issue. Think of it as old-fashioned, relationship-based primary care, but "in the cloud."I think it's for this reason we've attracted so many deaf people. Over time, I'd like to add deaf-friendly specialists in our backend so when our doctors refer you, we refer you to them. Would love to hear your thoughts.
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