Do you want to learn how to Program?


New Member
Jul 9, 2003
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I'm a hearing computer programmer (it's my job, not just a hobby). I'm very interested in learning more ASL (I know a lot of signs, but I need help on conversing in ASL).

I'm willing to trade skills - I will teach you programming if you agree to help me with ASL (which we can do during programming lessons). You can pick what you want to learn, including Java, PHP, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Perl, XML/XSLT, databases, and more.

I live in Portland, Oregon. So, the only catch is that you need to live around Portland (I won't do online training since I won't learn ASL that way).

You can email me at todd_run at yahoo dot com or respond to this list.
Sure, and I love Portland, Oregon! Was there 6 years ago, dropped my jaw based on their own beauty. I wouldn't mind living in Portland, Oregon However, I am currently STUCK back East! I can't just simply quit my job, pack and move west. I believe someday, I may move out in the West. Who knows? I have always wanted to learn the basic of database programming. Never had chance, GRRRR.
todd_run said:
I'm a hearing computer programmer (it's my job, not just a hobby). I'm very interested in learning more ASL (I know a lot of signs, but I need help on conversing in ASL).

I'm willing to trade skills - I will teach you programming if you agree to help me with ASL (which we can do during programming lessons). You can pick what you want to learn, including Java, PHP, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Perl, XML/XSLT, databases, and more.

I live in Portland, Oregon. So, the only catch is that you need to live around Portland (I won't do online training since I won't learn ASL that way).

You can email me at todd_run at yahoo dot com or respond to this list.

Hey man,

Why don't you just grab Dlink eye2eye VoIP? Then you able to contact one of us through IP address. That way you able to learn the sign language while they learn how to program through emails or something like that. I know C++, Java, HTML, OpenGL but I would love to learn PHP and SQL. By the way, my wife is hearing interpreter.
Let me know. To reach me at

Peace out,
Great idea, but . . .

Right now, I only have dial up, so VoIP is not realistic. Fortunately, Portland is getting city-wide free wireless - should be in my neighborhood by 2008!

Offer still stands for those willing to meet before that time. After 2008, I'll offer the same deal over the internet (at least until I get maxed out).

Right now, I only have dial up, so VoIP is not realistic. Fortunately, Portland is getting city-wide free wireless - should be in my neighborhood by 2008!

Offer still stands for those willing to meet before that time. After 2008, I'll offer the same deal over the internet (at least until I get maxed out).


Hey Todd, I live in Vancouver area close to Portland, OR. Small world eh? :cool:

I works for the school as ITS. But still want to learn more about mysql and php things. Perhap will use LAMP to host the db forums for people to fill out their informations for races, new letters, and other kind of events.

Did you ever use LAMP? If so, what's your experience with it?

Look forward to hear from you soon.


PS. Still learning ASL yet? :D
Jeff - I'm wondering if my reply got stuck in your spam filter - or maybe you're just busy. Either way, email me when you get a chance and let's figure out something that works for both of us.

Another Option!

I realized this weekend that maybe there's another way to make this work! I've helped many people learn and improve their programming skills through email in the past, but I couldn't see how I could learn ASL through email.

Then it hit me - YouTube!!!!!

So, if you'll help me by translating portions of ASL videos that I'm having trouble understanding, I'll help you learn to program (pick your languages). If you are willing to create and post videos, even better!

If you're interested, let me know! Email me at todd_run at yahoo dot com and let's get coding!
