Do you believe in...?

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Do you believe in ordering a wife/husband online? Do you think it's okay to marry a person you hardly know at all? Just like in India (or whatever) there are some ppl getting married without knowing eachother, as it still happens today... some stay together, some break up.

To me, I think I rather marry a woman I REALLY know for the first few years of my life and that I truly love her and respect her, I would marry her, when I have the chance.

What about you people?
i heard some success romantic stories happened in American thur ther internet. why not?:naughty:
I see a button, "Katie Price for sale. Marry her now!" Would you like to click it? :o
Perhas I could marry Mary Kate and Ashley if they wanted to be married from the internet someday... :naughty: yee heh heh heh
i agree with you, steel -- i heard one of the stories from the tv, u know, the TLC... this guy wants to be with someone and have been single for so damn long time - he went on the internet and met this woman online and gave each other the phone number.. that night they were on the phone for like 11 hours and then decided to meet each other - they found out they are only across street from each other!! isnt that fate or ironic?!! they decided to get marry in few months later.
LoL, interesting. I don't think I can go with that. I would rather to know the person and all to actually marry them.
Originally posted by allisonjoy
LoL, interesting. I don't think I can go with that. I would rather to know the person and all to actually marry them.

I am your husband! :o
Ahh nah, I would rather to know that girl well IRL before we get married.
I would rather to be courting with him and to know him personally more before I decide to accept his proposal. ;)

BTW, I'm already married for more than 5 years now. :D
:eek: heck no, I don't believe in that! I agreed with what Willy just said.
Originally posted by KeWoOLeE
i agree with you, steel -- i heard one of the stories from the tv, u know, the TLC... this guy wants to be with someone and have been single for so damn long time - he went on the internet and met this woman online and gave each other the phone number.. that night they were on the phone for like 11 hours and then decided to meet each other - they found out they are only across street from each other!! isnt that fate or ironic?!! they decided to get marry in few months later.
Heh that must be stupid. Oh well it's nice to hear that they are getting married anyway
Originally posted by shao
steel, did you have an internet girlfriend?
I used to, but not anymore...I don't believe in online relationship at all.
Originally posted by Steel
Do you believe in ordering a wife/husband online? Do you think it's okay to marry a person you hardly know at all? Just like in India (or whatever) there are some ppl getting married without knowing eachother, as it still happens today... some stay together, some break up.

To me, I think I rather marry a woman I REALLY know for the first few years of my life and that I truly love her and respect her, I would marry her, when I have the chance.

What about you people?

lol We were talking about the exact same thing in my English Class today. The reason why we brought this up was because we were reading "The Magic Barrel" short story. The story has to do with a rabbinical student asking a matchmaker to arrange a marriage for him in order to win himself a congregation. I don't believe in ordering a wife/husband online. Instead, I would prefer to get to know the person who would like to date me to decide whether he is qualified to meet in person. I had discovered that some people sort of "arranged" themselves. For Instance, I know a person who haven't gone out for many years after the divorce. Because of that, she ended up meeting someone that is not her type at all. I guess some people dread the loneliness and would do anything to get rid of that feeling. Do u get what I'm saying? I gotta go now to drop dead onto bed!
I rather person to person than online but I would like do interest online to someone because my friend who's met her bf online for long time ago. they are be together online for few years then met person to person each other then finally they are serious relationshiop online and someday they will get married. I'm happy for them.
For me, what I notice those people who can work out by online or meet real person. Just Depend on people good or bad. That is all I am say I know nobody can't be perfect... want meet people in person or online.. no matter. just depend on what situtation people are in. that is it.
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhtttt... where's your cyber condom? :lol: