Do not join Grindr or gay social networking apps

i wish there forum for people married to gay do ya know any fox if so post it
Similar thing happens to Craigslist ads too.... just be careful when you meet someone and recommend meeting in public places where the crowd is for your safety. There is risks when you answer the ads or dating websites, it's common to be scammed there.
Thankfully I've never been too incredibly into online dating. I tried it once... but it went very badly. ( Not in an abusive or kidnap way or anything, they just looked NOTHING like their pictures. ) So, I try and steer clear of online dating. However, I know a few people who have had success with it. I think as long as you're safe about it and don't jump the gun to meet the person a day later and meet in a public area as mentioned, you'll be fine... or better off anyway.