Do a kid need CI replace due to growing....


New Member
Mar 5, 2009
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Hi, I am new here in I have question to ask is it true that the children who receive the CI will need to replace bigger CI? Or once get CI and it stays for good? Please let me know. I am working on research and boy it takes long time to find the information. I did look through Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants forums and boy it takes long time for me to catch up!! I will continue to read and at the same time hope you can help by answer my question? I have more questions to ask! One at a time..... :)
Welcome to alldeaf! Children do not need different CIs as they grow older. CIs are identical in shape/size for adults and children and do not take up much room underneath the skin. As a child ages, the CI conforms to the skull as bone grows around it.
Hi Hear Again, thanks for welcoming. :) That's what I learned, too. Would need find the fact somewhere in website from doctor? or something? I really appreciate that information! :)
No, they just postition it so it fit as child grows.

Implants are made to last around 75 years.

CIs are designed to last 75 years? Interesting! I thought they were only warrantied for 10.
I think it's Warrantied for 10 years yes i think but the implant itself is made to last 75 years otherwise we would have to have reimplatation every few years which would take toll on our delicate ears, scar tissues to think of, costs involving reimplantation.

Anyway we can't prove this since CI had been around 30 or so years.
No replacement, unless the implant is no longer working for whatever reason. A baby is born with a full-sized cochlea, the cochlea doesn't grow.