Disappointment in myself


Active Member
Mar 6, 2003
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I was so disappoint into myself because last week monday we had the dart leagues and we did borrow one of my team mates' darts and suppose to bring it over tonight !!! and Guess what??? I lost 6 darts !!!! arrggghhhhhhhhh Today i was just pop up in my mind that something remind me about darts that was borrowed and I was like zoom to my car and search through the car and it isn't in !! even check my backpack and darts stuffs then give a call to the bar to see if they still have it or not but it appear they don't !!! :( so now I will have to get money out of the bank and give them the cash to get new one for theirselves !! :eek: :ugh: so i wasn't happy about this !
Aww, ouch! :( I'm sorry that you have to go through this tough situation. Were you drunk that time when you borrowed the darts? If so, then next time, don't do that. ;)
Originally posted by ChelEler
Aww, ouch! :( I'm sorry that you have to go through this tough situation. Were you drunk that time when you borrowed the darts? If so, then next time, don't do that. ;)
BINGO !!! :eek:
I hate to say it.. But let you know it is only GAME. There is no reason to be upset about this.

On other hand, You need to be prepared to get things to be ready for game(s) and make sure everything is in your bag before you leave the game. You will not have to worry about lose your thing(s)

My dad who kept telling me how DISORGANIZED i am. :fu:
Originally posted by eternity
I hate to say it.. But let you know it is only GAME. There is no reason to be upset about this.

On other hand, You need to be prepared to get things to be ready for game(s) and make sure everything is in your bag before you leave the game. You will not have to worry about lose your thing(s)

My dad who kept telling me how DISORGANIZED i am. :fu:

Darts can be VERY expensive and valuable, so don't tell us that it's just a game. :roll:

If I want to borrow your shotgun for clay-target shooting and then lose the shotgun, I'm sure you'll be upset, worse than I can feel about that! :slap:
Originally posted by ChelEler
Darts can be VERY expensive and valuable, so don't tell us that it's just a game. :roll:

If I want to borrow your shotgun for clay-target shooting and then lose the shotgun, I'm sure you'll be upset, worse than I can feel about that! :slap:
yeah ur right ... it is expensive !!! plus remmy how the teammates feel about that when someone lose theirs.... Of course i usually double check before leave ... but last monday was very stressful for me to remmy everything which why is that as well as I am captain for the team i have to take care of our home games (at bar) to be prepare before away team come down and after they leave ... take care of things ... but that night i was drunk and stressful etc .. Bar games isn't same as baseball or football games ... cuz baseball and football they don't drink and play... but darts leagues does !! That's different story ... I hope u could catch that drifts !
lol thanks !!! That's something to learn the values !!! Oh well... It is just Shit happen !
Hey, do you think you can buy the exact same darts for your friend and let him/her know what happened?
Originally posted by ChelEler
Hey, do you think you can buy the exact same darts for your friend and let him/her know what happened?
I wish it would be exactly !! but i doubt !!!! because every year they are somewhat change the designs or grams etc ... i have seen allot of different kind of darts stuffs they always changed and being rare to be same ...
Originally posted by ChelEler
Darts can be VERY expensive and valuable, so don't tell us that it's just a game. :roll:

If I want to borrow your shotgun for clay-target shooting and then lose the shotgun, I'm sure you'll be upset, worse than I can feel about that! :slap:

I wont care because they are just 5 bucks. I wont be upset about it. I d say oh well. That's my problem so move on. Let's not dwell about it. One key is.. Be more RESPONSIBILITY. Like I have to be more responsible for my daughter and I ll make sure she is not ON LOOSE just like wiht other things. How to set the responsble? Make SURE you have everything WITH YOU just go look around that nothing is yours so you can leave the place.
Originally posted by eternity
I wont care because they are just 5 bucks. I wont be upset about it. I d say oh well. That's my problem so move on. Let's not dwell about it. One key is.. Be more RESPONSIBILITY. Like I have to be more responsible for my daughter and I ll make sure she is not ON LOOSE just like wiht other things. How to set the responsble? Make SURE you have everything WITH YOU just go look around that nothing is yours so you can leave the place.

Ok, that's reasonable. The first post you put up didn't sound like what you meant (to me, that's why I was kinda insulted) but you get the idea now and I'm in the same shoes as you are. :D No hard feeling here.

KW68, I didn't realize that these darts change over the time so quickly. I thought they change like yearly or longer not that short. Get my idea?
knightwolf, I applaud you for owning up to your mistakes! That's very responsible.

Hey you could also buy your friend flowers. ha!
That sucks. sorry to hear about your luck. I remember the dart competitions at BW3 in RIT. That was fun :)
Originally posted by Liza
knightwolf, I applaud you for owning up to your mistakes! That's very responsible.

Hey you could also buy your friend flowers. ha!

A guy buying flowers for a guy?! I DON'T THINK SO! :laugh2:
Originally posted by eternity
I wont care because they are just 5 bucks. I wont be upset about it. I d say oh well. That's my problem so move on. Let's not dwell about it. One key is.. Be more RESPONSIBILITY. Like I have to be more responsible for my daughter and I ll make sure she is not ON LOOSE just like wiht other things. How to set the responsble? Make SURE you have everything WITH YOU just go look around that nothing is yours so you can leave the place.
oh 5 bucks ???? ur speak about soft-tip darts ??? of course they are cheaper !!! but It is steel tip darts ... it is expensive than soft -tip (plastic) darts ... if u want to get idea what cost they are .... u can go check it out here ... http://www.a-zdarts.com/dartsjava.html so u can pick soft - tip and steel- tip and compare them to get idea... of course u can get 5 to 15 dollars for soft tip at kmarts or wal mart etc .. but u just get idea what the real prices for that..