Digital hearing aids and the music


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Sep 18, 2005
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I have been seeking information on if digital hearing aids are good for listening to music ?

I read some articles and they say that digitals may distort music enjoyment .

I have decided to get two digital aids from bernafon brand and I would like to get some information about listening music .

If you have digital aids then what would you say about this issue ?
Are you happy with your digitals' performance when listening to music ?

Thanks for your comments in here .
I've worn Oticon DF2s for quite a while now, and haven't had any problems with music. I use a DAI cord when I do that, though, which turns off some of the compression and other potentially distorting features, so keep that in mind.
i will get digital hearing aid next week but not music.. lol... i dont need it..
I have a digital hearing and and I listen to music all the time. I've never had any problems listening to music with the digital.
Theoretically it should be superior for listening to music.

I had digitals about 3 years ago and hated their 'programs' that changed the volumes. I went back to my analogues very quickly. However I dont think the audiologist was very good at all and didnt set them up well. Heck I even had to help her with the computer!

As part of my CI evaluation I had to try digitals again. The audiologist was much more professional and competent. I now enjoy music with digitals every bit as much as I did with analogues.. but music is a very individual thing.. if you didnt like it beforehand, I dont think digitals will make much difference.
digital hearing aid

When the new digitial hearing aids usually come out for new model or brand? I am thinking to go back to analog hearing aids until new digital hearing aids come out from my audiologist's office. I really don't want to go back to analog or go another place. I am happy with the place and don't like to go another place to start over again. The digital hearing aids I have now is having problem off and on. It turns off the sound by itself and it bothering me. I like the sound and no feedback, but this problem I am having with this turn off sound. This is my second hearing aids doing this problem. I will ask my audiologist if there any other brands I can try that is digital.

What should I do?
