Deafies don’t wanna be cured, why should we?


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Jul 9, 2006
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Interesting blog piece on Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) which is "also known as Amputee Identity Disorder, refers to a mental disorder implying a psychological feeling that one would be happier living life as an amputee and is usually, if not always, accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs in order to enact that desire." (link) or here -

Deafies don’t wanna be cured, why should we? Blogging about BIID

Read the comments. :shock:
From what I have learned not all deaf people feel the same about their desire to hear or not. Some don't care and some do. It's a mixed bag.
After over 40 years in silence, and never understood the sound and all of sudden I lost my Deafness, I would go into as much insanity as when hearing person have been hearing sounds for over 40 years suddenly lost hearing.

Hope this gives you an idea why I wouldn't want to cure my Deafness.
If I lost my hearing it would not cause me to go insane. I would adapt. What other choice do I have?
According to this link, the quote that the blogger found was most appropriate was Deafilmedia's...anyone remember this member? What a character she was! :lol:

I had totally forgotten about her. I enjoyed her posts. :)
According to this link, the quote that the blogger found was most appropriate was Deafilmedia's...anyone remember this member? What a character she was! :lol:

I had totally forgotten about her. I enjoyed her posts. :)

Yes, I remembered her. It has been a long time not knowing what is happening with her. Yes, we did talked about that in another thread here in the AD forum less than couple of years ago. There are some Hearies who wanted to be deaf so badly. And some who wanted to be inflicted or became amputee. We thought that they were out of their mind to do that at the time. The discussion is kind of disturbing at the least and no one wanted to talk about that, but try to reason with why they should not do that. :eek3: :roll:
Been a while kokonut. Anyone that wants to be disabled or injured needs to seek a psychiatrist.

I am deaf, but not Deaf(big D) and do want to be cured, we talked about this on instant messenger. In my blog, this guy apparently got stem cells for his MS and deafness and it cured both! He still wears HAs but at low gains.
In the next hundreds of years from now, it is a possibility that deafness could disappear, as technology and medication evolves, making it even more possible for the deaf to become hearing thru stem cell research, harmless viruses, mutating cells, name it.

Scary eh? So relax...the deaf culture will still be around for a VERY long time til something happens.
Oh, deafness will disappear. It's just a matter of time. Just like blindness, that, too, will disappear someday. Not one bit worried. Unless war, famine and/or disease wipes us out first. I'm sure someday we'll have laws requiring babies born with treatable disabilities be cured with effective biomedicine.
Oh, deafness will disappear. It's just a matter of time. Just like blindness, that, too, will disappear someday. Not one bit worried. Unless war, famine and/or disease wipes us out first. I'm sure someday we'll have laws requiring babies born with treatable disabilities be cured with effective biomedicine.

You know what. I think you all are dreaming of having our deafness cure which it is not that easy to do and never will do because it is not going to work, no way. There is no cure at all to be full hearing like the hearing people. You all, hearing, late deafend and HOH, will have to accept deafness the way it is. So don't keep trying to "fix" us to be like the hearing. We are very adapt to it and we are getting frustrated with hearing people trying to "fix" us to be like hearing people in a mainstream school with no accommodations like notetakers and sign language interpreter without the FM machines plus the microphone. Science is not going to help us anyway, no matter what. I do not want deafness or Deafness disappear, because we are very comfortable with ASL. I think this is God's way to let us be who we are and God wants hearing people to accept us, Deafies, to be the way we are. Don't tell me it is the Devil. I don't believe that at all. You can not make the world be perfect and no one on Earth is perfect. Just accept it. :roll:
You know what. I think you all are dreaming of having our deafness cure which it is not that easy to do and never will do because it is not going to work, no way. There is no cure at all to be full hearing like the hearing people. You all, hearing, late deafend and HOH, will have to accept deafness the way it is. So don't keep trying to "fix" us to be like the hearing. We are very adapt to it and we are getting frustrated with hearing people trying to "fix" us to be like hearing people in a mainstream school with no accommodations like notetakers and sign language interpreter without the FM machines plus the microphone. Science is not going to help us anyway, no matter what. I do not want deafness or Deafness disappear, because we are very comfortable with ASL. I think this is God's way to let us be who we are and God wants hearing people to accept us, Deafies, to be the way we are. Don't tell me it is the Devil. I don't believe that at all. You can not make the world be perfect and no one on Earth is perfect. Just accept it. :roll:

Er, I accept that I have a hearing loss. What is it to you?

Whether it's decades away or not biotechnology will be the forefront of treating and even curing a variety of conditions and diseases as we continue to understand how things work at the genetic and nanoscale. This includes understanding and treating hearing loss, vision loss, Alzheimer, Parkinson, and many more. It's just a matter of time when certain types of deafness, if not all them, will able to be corrected and even cured. That time is coming and I know that people are unwilling to accept or even acknowledge that. It's coming whether you like it or not. :cool2:
I don't want MY deafness to be cured through invasive or biomechnical means.

However in term of gene therapies like regrowing cilia in the inner ear or body parts for transplants, I will accept that since it is a replication of the original body parts, not making an artifical bionic version of it.

To me, trying to cure deafness through mechanical means such as hearing aids and cochlear implants is like utilitising the uncanny valley. The closer you are to being a fully hearing person, the more people take notice of the flaws that still linger about. I can talk like a perfectly Albertan with proficient English, since to me fluent English means no accent and I have yet to meet a group of people like that, if I take the time to think about what I am saying; however when people take notice of little things like, no directional hearing, and you don't account for it, or explain to people why, then others treat you like you're mentally slow and not deaf or hard of hearing.

Sometimes I feel like I get better treatment if I don't use a hearing aids and explain I am deaf, than if I use a hearing aid and not be given a chance to explain that there are still gaps.
Well, I'm pretty sure that 95% or so of parents with a deaf baby would jump in a heart beat if there is in fact a natural biomedical procedure that will restore completely a baby's hearing loss. And when that day comes, bye bye deaf babies for they are to become bonafide hearing babies just like all the others born with their hearing intact. :hmm:
Koko, so, do you really think and want all deaf people to be or should be cured and do you want to see deafness is being extinct so that all deaf people would be fit in the hearing world? ... ... ... ... ... simply because you feel bitter and unhappy about your own deafness and deaf community that you probably are frown on?

I won't be surprise if you don't want to admit...
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Koko, so, do you really think and want all deaf people to be or should be cured and do you want to see deafness is being extinct so that all deaf people would be fit in the hearing world? ... ... ... ... ... simply because you feel bitter and unhappy about your own deafness and deaf community that you probably are frown on?

I won't be surprise if you don't want to admit...

It's an individual thing whether parents want to have their child's hearing loss cured fully or a late-deafened adult want to restore his or her hearing loss. I don't impose, demand or mandate that all be cured. So, let's not get so snippy here and play armchair psychologist, shall we? Hmmm? I would appreciate that very much. Mine is merely an observation in the field of biomedicine that hearing loss and even vision loss (and among many other conditions) will one day be easily reversed. Certainly medicine and biotechnology was vastly different today than 50 years ago. I cannot even fathom just how much further we'll be 50 years from now, much less 25 years or 10. It is moving quite quickly.

U of L doctors perform world?s first cardiac stem cell infusion - Business First of Louisville:
AFP: First stem cell transplant on Chilean leukemia patient
Scientists cook up stem cells from everyday ingredients
As I expected from your respond, so I'm not surprise. Well, I think you might want to check it out, here. That explains why "unfitted" people (not only deaf people) are still treated disrespectfully. :shrug:
As I expected from your respond, so I'm not surprise. Well, I think you might want to check it out, here. That explains why "unfitted" people (not only deaf people) are still treated disrespectfully. :shrug:

Again, it's the reality of where biotechnology is heading as it appears and not about forcing a cure onto those who do not want it. Why would this be any different had the subject been about cures for blindness? :hmm:

Let's keep our emotion in check the next time.
Uh, I'm not being emotional. Some blind people dont want to be cured, secondly, I didn't say about forcing "unfitted" people to be cured.
Uh, I'm not being emotional. Some blind people dont want to be cured, secondly, I didn't say about forcing "unfitted" people to be cured.

I know that there are people who do not want to be cured. No where have I implied nor inferred that people need to be forced to be cured of their blindness, deafness, or what have you. Are you in any way trying to infer that I am suggesting that people be forced to have them cured of a condition or "deficiency"?