Deaf Wanna-Be's

I believe the confusion is within the name. If you don't understand the emphasis of the capital D in the name Deaf Culture, you would unwittingly think that subset of people includes all deaf people, it does not.

Deaf culture isn't culture at all.

LOL I am attempting to provoke those to criticize me.

But, really... it's not culture since technically we have not owned a country so far.... :laugh2:

In fact, I often see deaf culture as a barbarian civilization! LOL

Okay maybe i'm going too far.

Riots begin here.
Deaf culture isn't culture at all.

LOL I am attempting to provoke those to criticize me.

But, really... it's not culture since technically we have not owned a country so far.... :laugh2:

In fact, I often see deaf culture as a barbarian civilization! LOL

Okay maybe i'm going too far.

Riots begin here.

Poor you that youare extremely bored. If your opinion is too true. Thats COOL. But you did attend to some school that is included Deaf Culture and you made your opinion here already. INTERESTING. :P
Within an "insular group" one can use "sign language" and feel that it is "different" from spoken language. One can debate the utility of spoken language-however it appears to be the predominate "mode of communication" at the present time. Whether the "voice off subset of DEAF" are problematic probably to "many speaking " people. How that can be "handled" in our society-"interesting".

Another "problem" is the late deafened person with a Cochlear Implant and don't use ASL et al within the "Deaf community"? How that can reconciled with "deaf values" unstated-at the present time? Have the "Deaf Militants" arrived at a resolution-yet?

aside: noted many times-bilateral DEAF since December 20,2006.

Further aside: why don't hearing people consider speaking a SPECIFIC culture?

More discussions in Sociology-culture
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Deaf culture isn't culture at all.

LOL I am attempting to provoke those to criticize me.

But, really... it's not culture since technically we have not owned a country so far.... :laugh2:

In fact, I often see deaf culture as a barbarian civilization! LOL

Okay maybe i'm going too far.

Riots begin here.

Ahhhh so I am not alone in that opinion. Excellent
Oh no doubt a Deaf Community certainly exists, calling it a culture just seems a little grandoise. The only thing that qualifies it as a culture is language, do the Deaf have their own foods? Fashion? Music? And using ASL isn't good just a matter of being passed down generation to's usually a matter of neccessity.

Just look at what Bebonang says about being separate from heraing people, and one of the things they have is "making jokes about hearing people that happen to us". On this forum there are threads.....what do you hate most about hearing people......ignorant hearing people stories. This is why I think the Deaf community sounds more like a clique than it's own little subculture.

Imagine for a minute if hearing people made a point and took the time to swap stories about "ignorant deafies"?

Excellent points. Well said.
I said are the blind wannabes trying to get in on Blind Culture? Are the paraplegic wannabes trying to get in on Paraplegic culture? No......because there's no such thing as blind or paraplegic cultures.

And why is it we are the only group that has some part of our bodies that don't function that has it's own "culture"? Just because we have to use a different language? I don't know, seems kind of odd
There is a disability culture. There is a "Crip"/wheelchair culture believe it or not.
I've never heard of the transabled before, although I've always been wary of people who export their injuries, even if they genuinely believe that it is better to be something like deaf, which is understandable. I must say it was interesting and pleasing as an advocate for the mentally ill to discover that you aren't all of you progressives. I was like oh, god here we go into the progressive and enlightened deaf community but it was more like nope, just as backwards as anywhere.
Ok, so I didn't read the whole thread, but i saw the title and thought, "oh no not this all over again!" thankfully someone linked the past post about it. The only wanna-be's I could sympathize with are folks like me who are Autistic and happen to be hypersensitive to sound. hence why I never use my CI's etc. this discussion of being deaf or non verbal came up on wrong planet. hearing folks cannot turn of their ears. not like closing your eyes to block visual stimulus... between not wanting to have to talk to people and having sounds make you overstimulated and have a meltdown I can certainly see the attraction of being Deaf though I think the would regret it when they find out they cannot turn their hearing back on when they need it...

I could also see it being a body dismorphic issue... heck, in that case, I have a species dismorphic issue.. this Tiger is stuck in this useless human body...
As for a "symbol" of being from "other planets"- John Grays "Mars/Venus" is one that has been "around for a few years".

What planet/s the DEAF or Hearing persons- originally migrated from-unstated. Also, undecided-why would one migrate to earth-in the first place. "perfect world" in prior existence?

Sociology can be "interesting" at times.
Seems we lose our bodies at a very specific point of time in our lives. Our death.

A theological/philosophical discussion what "that means".
Oh no doubt a Deaf Community certainly exists, calling it a culture just seems a little grandoise. The only thing that qualifies it as a culture is language, do the Deaf have their own foods? Fashion? Music? And using ASL isn't just a matter of being passed down generation to's usually a matter of necessity.

Is that how you define a culture? I thought a definition of a culture would include those components of; The body of learned beliefs, tradition, principles and guides for behavior that are commonly shared among members of a particular group. Culture serves as a road map for both perceiving and interacting with the world.

So, therefore, Yes, Deaf Culture does exists.
:wave:Jolie , think you're right- that's what I understood from my Sociology studies and I found this also <Deaf people being a social group>:

"...... b : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time <popular culture> <southern culture>
c : the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization <a corporate culture focused on the bottom line>
d : the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic..."

from: online Merriam-Webster dictionary

Deaf people do have language but also shared histories, stories, heroes, settings, social customs or perspectives and other attributes-
:wave:Jolie , think you're right- that's what I understood from my Sociology studies and I found this also <Deaf people being a social group>:

"...... b : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group; also : the characteristic features of everyday existence (as diversions or a way of life} shared by people in a place or time <popular culture> <southern culture>
c : the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization <a corporate culture focused on the bottom line>
d : the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic..."

from: online Merriam-Webster dictionary

Deaf people do have language but also shared histories, stories, heroes, settings, social customs or perspectives and other attributes-

So, baseball fans are a culture too?
Curious, for someone who is between hearing or deaf peeps who knows some ASL but not much and can speak and read lips. If there is a party, and you see there are two seperate group. One group is all of varies deaf hoh or ASL user and the other group is pure hearing? so which do you plan to go, either group?

Curious, for someone who is between hearing or deaf peeps who knows some ASL but not much and can speak and read lips. If there is a party, and you see there are two seperate group. One group is all of varies deaf hoh or ASL user and the other group is pure hearing? so which do you plan to go, either group?


I would question why there were separate groups at the same party...

But to answer your question, I would probably mingle with both groups.