Deaf rider wins women's Moto X Super X in her X Games debut


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Apr 18, 2004
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Deaf rider wins women's Moto X Super X in her X Games debut

Ashley Fiolek wears a pink bracelet on her right wrist that reads in Latin possunt quia le posse videntur.

English translation: To be able because you are able.

To the 18-year-old Fiolek it means riding fast in the noisy, chaotic sport of motocross, despite being deaf.

“We never treated Ashley different,” said her father, Jim. “To us she's just a normal kid who can't hear.”

Normal, except she dominates in the dirt. Since turning pro last year, the 5-foot-2, 105-pound rider from St. Augustine, Fla., has won back-to-back titles on the Women's Motocross Association circuit. And in her X Games debut late yesterday afternoon, Fiolek came from behind on the last lap to win the women's Moto X Super X, becoming the Games' first deaf medalist.

X Games General Manager Chris Stiepock said Fiolek transcends the sport.
“Every now and then fresh faces emerge that change the perception of a sport, and she is one of those fresh faces that's changing how people look at female motocross,” said Stiepock. “She's just never, ever looked back. She just doesn't look at being deaf as a handicap.”

The question Fiolek is asked most often by motorcyclists is how does she ride when she can't hear anything below 100 decibels. (Think jackhammer blasting next to your ear.)

Most motorcyclists rely on the engine's whirring sound to know when to shift. “I use the vibration of the motorcycle,” Fiolek said by sign language. “It's a feel thing.”

The Fioleks didn't learn Ashley was deaf until she was 2-½. One doctor attributed her slow early development to being mildly retarded. But when Fiolek's mother, Roni, noticed her daughter didn't flinch when pots and pans crashed on the floor, she took her to a hearing specialist.

The Fioleks lived in Michigan at that time and by then Ashley was sitting in front of Jim on his dirt bike, riding for hours through the woods.

“We were out doing stuff,” Jim said. “Nothing was going to change that.” The Fioleks never sheltered Ashley. She cooked, water skied, played basketball, ran track and field. She drives a Ford F150.

“Some parents of deaf kids thought we were crazy,” Roni said. “We wanted her to do what she wanted to do, be who she wanted to be.”

Jim raced motorcycles as a kid and Ashley followed her father's line. By 7, Ashley was racing dirt bikes. By 13, she won a national championship.
“I wake up in the morning and what I want to do is get on a dirt bike and ride,” Fiolek said. “I want to ride and race. That's it.”

Fiolek has dominated the WMA circuit since turning professional two years ago, winning nine of the tour's 12 races. Experts describe her style as natural, like she's one with the bike.

“Her style is very similar to a boy's, a flowing style,” said Cody Wolf, Fiolek's mechanic. “You can almost say she's at ease with the motorcycle. Very relaxed. She doesn't ride stiff.”

Being deaf, Fiolek faces challenges other riders don't. She must hold her line longer than other riders, making sure she doesn't cut off a rival she can't hear charging from behind. She looks for shadows and sometimes peeks behind her to get a feel for oncoming riders.

She says there's one major plus to being deaf. “I don't hear anybody behind me,” Fiolek said. “I don't freak out.”

The Fioleks made sacrifices to further their daughter's career. Jim, who works as a software developer for a health company, often traveled six months a year with Ashley during her amateur career. Roni drives a 1994 minivan with 300,000 miles. The odometer on Jim's Nissan is up to 248,000.

“We have a pretty modest home that needs a lot of work,” Jim said. “It was all to try to help her reach her goals.

Now Ashley's cashing in. In January, Honda made Fiolek the first American woman to be sponsored by a major factory. Her sponsors include T-Mobile and Red Bull, plus clothing, watch and goggle endorsements.

“She doing very well,” Jim said. “I'm broke, but she doing good.”

Friends say the relative fame hasn't changed Fiolek.

“She's like one of the coolest people I've ever met in my whole life,” said fellow rider Elizabeth Bash. “She always wants to help people out. She buys people gifts just because.”

Not cheap ones, either. She bought Bash a pair of Coach sunglasses. She bought her 5-year-old brother, Kicker, a $2,000 English Sheepdog.

As for the future, Fiolek's goal isn't modest – she wants to race professionally against men. On Internet message boards some have scoffed at her dream, saying it's impossible.

“That just motivates me to prove to everyone I can do it,” she said. She already has one rider on her side.

“I wouldn't be surprised if she qualifies,” James Stewart, supercross'most dominant rider, told ESPN The Magazine. “She's already overcome harder challenges.”

Good on her!
Seen the ESPN X Games review and interview with her and her dad last night.

Congrats, Ashley!
This is awsome for her. As a rider myself I am always impressed with the X games stuff. The tricks they pull off are amazing. She has her own website here



I watched her race in other day.. that's crazy! I know i can't drive a 400cc dirtbike in the race! i own a yamaha 125cc this thing is FAST and i rode my friend's 225cc wow super fast but a 400cc?! Hell, I haven't tried that one. That's must scary bike. i dont know if i can ride that thing to drive fast with her line? Highly doubt it. I am very impressed. Thank you for showing yourself out, Ashley! If you are reading this.

P.S. Come out to ride a sportbike and i will show you how my balls can roll with my 1000cc THIS IS REAL TALK! :P
I watched her race in other day.. that's crazy! I know i can't drive a 400cc dirtbike in the race! i own a yamaha 125cc this thing is FAST and i rode my friend's 225cc wow super fast but a 400cc?! Hell, I haven't tried that one. That's must scary bike. i dont know if i can ride that thing to drive fast with her line? Highly doubt it. I am very impressed. Thank you for showing yourself out, Ashley! If you are reading this.

P.S. Come out to ride a sportbike and i will show you how my balls can roll with my 1000cc THIS IS REAL TALK! :P

Come out and see what I can do on my R6, hehe... One wheel all day! :cool2:
“We never treated Ashley different,” said her father, Jim. “To us she's just a normal kid who can't hear.”

Awsome for her parents!
I watched her race in other day.. that's crazy! I know i can't drive a 400cc dirtbike in the race! i own a yamaha 125cc this thing is FAST and i rode my friend's 225cc wow super fast but a 400cc?! Hell, I haven't tried that one. That's must scary bike. i dont know if i can ride that thing to drive fast with her line? Highly doubt it. I am very impressed. Thank you for showing yourself out, Ashley! If you are reading this.

P.S. Come out to ride a sportbike and i will show you how my balls can roll with my 1000cc THIS IS REAL TALK! :P

are you talking about a 125cc 2 stroke? or 4 stroke?!
(and what about the 225 you said?)
i just to post on this thread again...

Ashley Fiolek is a RIGHTOUS BADASS. much respect :smoking:
what the hell is the 225? or do you mean 250?! are you sure? hmm
I used to have an RM125 (of course a 125cc MX), before that,Yamaha IT200 (2 stroke) (everyone thought i was on a 490 lol).
Once rode a Pro Circuit CR125 (think it was a 1986 or 87, one of the best years of CR125's Honda had ever made) , fully worked (actual bike was once own by Shayne King) that bike was a manic! and then couple years later had a oppurtunity to ride a Husqvarna 510TE on the MX track (sandy and loamy unlike the video above) the bike was a beast! bloody fast no matter what , powerband was here, there , everywhere - i was shocked. Now some 10 years later, freinds who still continue in the bike/sports scene told me 4 strokes are nothing like the old XR's, so I suppose the husky i rode was like bike that belonged to NOW, not 10 years ago. it was the sign of things to come. So yeah that 400cc honda would be alot like the husky but with better everything, handling, etc, I can still detect (on the video) its still a 4 stroke, -- meaning you cant get rid of the top-heaviness no matter what, even though its a lot more nimble than that husky i rode.

4 strokes has came a long way, but i still think cc for cc 2 strokes ruled but when it came to speed in open classes the four strokes tend to be better because out of the 4 strokes one is the power stroke, where as 2 stroke its buzzing like bees at every 2 full travel up and down the barrel so the massive horsepower gets wasted into wheelspins and roosts and less into actuall grip and acceleration.
I have not had a ride on those new 4 strokes since the early 90's the husky was one of the earliest of that new wave fast four stroke, using 2 stroke bottom ends meaning lighter construction and less reliance on the fly wheels hence giving its wick to the sprockets, and not only the bark.
I just called my friend and he said it was 225cc and 4 stroke wow i thought it was 2 strokes..but even i haven't kicked in 4 and 5th gears on this bike.. this thing is SUPER FAST! all i rode is yamaha. I never tried honda dirtbikes. i still love my yz125 :) it's enough fast for me to play with on the dirt
shit, i gotta ride one of those new four strokes, dammit i might even try save up for one - which ic gonna be hard to do when owning a house, and being a student at the same time....fascinating a 225cc four stroke being fast.,, oh i remembered i had a 1987 Honda VT250 and that was fast for four stroke of the day it was amazing so yeah fast forward to 2009, i shouldn't be surprised but guess i will be. I know someone quite well still riding a DR350 (old!) and he still beats everyone on the track lol, not too surprised the track was owned by his dad (who happened to taught me motocross back in the days)
yeah im looking forward to it... id let you know but that would be say 3 or 4 months away - im too busy at uni atm