Oh, gosh..I was in elementary school when that happened so I don't remember too much. I had several high school deaf teachers who was involved in that protest. They talked about move buses in the front of entrances of Gallaudet campus then slash the bus tires, etc..
I am getting off the point here--I'll never forget one deaf teacher. She has large DPN poster in her classroom. Anyway that deaf teacher came from a large deaf family and while she has such "Deaf Can Do!" attitude she turned the cheek when she asked me and my classmates what we wanted to do for living.
Each time my classmates gave the answer like "social worker, counselor, teacher" she praises them. When it was my turn to give my answer. I gave different answers, I had and still do have big dreams. That teacher kept telling me "No, you can't..What else do you have on your mind?" I gave another answer, then another.
Each time she say "no you can't", then she said to me "Why don't you become teacher and teach the next generation to break the barrier!?"
Any wonder why deaf didn't really break the barrier too much, and repeat vicious cycle by peaches to each other, "no, you can't".
By the way, no I never became teacher. I am still trying and hope to prove her wrong.
I remember her saying she always wanted to go into business, and wasn't happy with teaching. Last I heard, she still teaches at the same school, 20 years and counting.