Deaf parents/Deaf orphans

The rigor of the application process varies country by country. I think that most adoption agencies working with China (they are all restricted by the same governing agency in China) require that deaf can adopt, but only if adopting a deaf child. At the time we went through the process there were some tough physical requirements, including some serious weight limits, with potential parents rejected if they had ever taken drugs to treat mild depression (which are pretty common these days), if there was a family history/likelihood of heart disease/cancer, etc. And eye and ear exams along with what seemed like endless blood tests for things my doctor just shook her head at. I've heard that they've limited single parent adoption severely and raised financial requirements since we adopted.

But, I know a couple -- one is ASL Deaf/one is a hearing ASL interpreter -- who adopted a deaf child from Guatemala (intending to raise him with ASL), at the same time my husband and I adopted Li-Li from China. We found out after returning home that our Li-Li was profoundly deaf, and they found out shortly after that their son was hearing!

I heard a lot of stories like this like it isn't surprisingly common. :|
But, I know a couple -- one is ASL Deaf/one is a hearing ASL interpreter -- who adopted a deaf child from Guatemala (intending to raise him with ASL), at the same time my husband and I adopted Li-Li from China. We found out after returning home that our Li-Li was profoundly deaf, and they found out shortly after that their son was hearing!

thats got to suck its almost like they were told what they wanted to hear
thats got to suck its almost like they were told what they wanted to hear

Different means of testing for hearing loss there -- they spent a lot of time with him there and didn't realize he was hearing either until getting more advanced testing after bringing him to the US. Doesn't suck too much, though I think they are very much in love with their little CODA :)

He's being raised with lots of ASL (he and Li-Li were together in an ASL-based daycare for more than a year), so he's getting the cultural background they'd hoped.
I know a mixed couple (hearing, Deaf) that adopted a boy who was Deaf, they seem to be happy together. I don't know of anyone Deaf who adopted a hearing child, that would be interesting to find out...

Since I've met so many interesting Deaf persons with variety of background, lifestyle, etc. at World Deaf Nation week in Las Vegas. I met one Deaf man from Alaska, age 46 I think... he's still single and has never been married before. He told me that he adopted 13 years old Mexican boy, hearing, I think. Now he's 20 years old and he's on his own as the Deaf man said. Deaf man said he didn't prefer to adopt an infant or very young age 'cause he said he doesn't know how to do with infant/toddler or something like "very awkward." Wow...I just had to make sure by out of curioisty about his sexual orientation...then figured it out that, he, of course is straight. Just because (maybe I'm wrong) I noticed some Gay Single or Couple men adopts a child more rather than Straight Single man does. I had never knew anyone who is straight, single man ever adopts a baby/child until I met him in person. Verry interesting!