Deaf man pleads guilty to drug charge; faces extradition

:confused: It looks as though he is being sentenced for 2 years in the town he was arrested in. Bob Berry has not been extradited to either New York or Mass. to face those other charges.

He will eventually have to stand trail in the other states, so it will be one state at a time.

So for now, it looks like he will have to serve out his 2 year prison term I believe it's in Butte County, until New York and/or Mass. want Bob Berry extradited to their states to stand trial.
I am glad that he is in jail. He will not be able to see "freedom" outside of jail for 2 years. I believe that in 2 years later, things will change alot once he gets out of jail. ( New laws and so forth due to many illegal things around the world ) The advanced technology catch up real fast and will bust criminals in no time. Berry better keep that in mind, because he can't hide from the advanced technology. :)
Maybe due to lack of hard physical evidence. Without these evidences, it is much harder to encourage jurors to find him guilty.

In the court of the law, you can NOT be tried in court twice for the same crime! This is called double jeopardy, and no judge will grant second try for the same crime. So, it is better to drop the case UNTIL hard evidence is found, than to try him and the juror finds him not guilty due to no evidence then later found hard evidence and can't try him again for the same crime with new evidence.

Sabrina said:
This is really sad to seeing him steal other people's money. I did not understand why, he would do this for years ?
diehardbiker65 said:
Maybe due to lack of hard physical evidence. Without these evidences, it is much harder to encourage jurors to find him guilty.

In the court of the law, you can NOT be tried in court twice for the same crime! This is called double jeopardy, and no judge will grant second try for the same crime. So, it is better to drop the case UNTIL hard evidence is found, than to try him and the juror finds him not guilty due to no evidence then later found hard evidence and can't try him again for the same crime with new evidence.

Other states can file the similiar charges againist BB....
Only if they have PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that crime has committed in their states! Only time will tell.

mld4ds said:
Other states can file the similiar charges againist BB....
His main problem is that he has no morals and he is a predator looking for easy prey upon the deaf community. Someone like him needs to be removed from the deaf society to stop him from victimizing other people. Also with his one count of drug charge that equals to 3 yrs in prison...that is the real reason why he was sent to 2 yrs in prison; We all must remind Mass DA and NY DA not to forget the victims and demand BB extradition into our sisters states...We, the deaf victims, must not give up and work diligent to get what we want from our District Attorneys... I beg you, the victims to hang in there and we shall overcome... :grouphug: :grouphug:
CODAchild said:
:confused: It looks as though he is being sentenced for 2 years in the town he was arrested in. Bob Berry has not been extradited to either New York or Mass. to face those other charges.

He will eventually have to stand trail in the other states, so it will be one state at a time.

So for now, it looks like he will have to serve out his 2 year prison term I believe it's in Butte County, until New York and/or Mass. want Bob Berry extradited to their states to stand trial.

New York and Massachusetts obviously did not want to bother with him extradition to two states. It is very expensive to extradition him to two states.
R.A.W. said:
New York and Massachusetts obviously did not want to bother with him extradition to two states. It is very expensive to extradition him to two states.

nah...not necessarily true...why not NY and Mass pool with their money to extradite BB? it cost $3,000 to extradite BB from Calif, uh huh? hmm that is something we have to think about??
R.A.W. said:
New York and Massachusetts obviously did not want to bother with him extradition to two states. It is very expensive to extradition him to two states.
:( So does that mean he will only have to serve out the 2 years? After what he did to all those people in New York and Massachusetts, he won't have to do anytime there? I can imagine it has to be very expensive, and at the same time, I feel so bad for the poor deaf who trusted him, that he stole from and fooled, and now their justice may never served.
Again, the point here is that all law enforcement will ALWAYS follow the evidences. If there is lack of evidence, then the talk is cheap. These kind of accusation will NEVER be upheld in the court of law WITHOUT any SOLID evidence!

Remember the Double Jeopardy law! No one is permitted to be tried for same crime twice! That is why it is wise to have hard evidence shown, that way this person would have found guilty period.

Good example, Michael Jackson! No hard evidence, now he walks! Will he ever be tried again suppose today cop just found plenty of hard evidence? The answer is NO! No court will ever allow that!

The court system in America is VERY STRICT! ALL VERBAL EVIDENCES is considered only 5% of the case! The witness evidence weights less than 20% of the evidence! The best evidence is DNA, Poloroid photos, and ANY HARD and solid EVIDENCE that shows how crime was committed. This is to prevent any false accusation based on just personal preferancem or in attempt to collect money the wrong way.

Im not going to support Bob Berry at all, I don't know who the hell he is, BUT, I believe taht Bob Berry deserve to have fair trial, period. I have been though false accusation, I was shocked to find myself accused for rape to a woman, and believe it or not, that woman who accused me had 5 witness against me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I realize that they are trying to take advantage of me because I happen to be in wrong place and wrong time. But, the evidence is NOT there to support the woman's word. What saved my ass is that all of 5 witness and that woman herself said yes they all were drunk. So case closed, and dismissed. I then understand and respect the court of law, and their justice practice.

2 years is LONG enough, that would give investigators more time to try to find hard evidence while he serve the time. So, it is wise to just let it go and let them deal with them. Once they find the hard evidence within 2 years time frame, BB would have to go to trial, PERIOD, BB won't be able to escape anyway. If no evidence is found then nothing we can do.

CODAchild said:
:( So does that mean he will only have to serve out the 2 years? After what he did to all those people in New York and Massachusetts, he won't have to do anytime there? I can imagine it has to be very expensive, and at the same time, I feel so bad for the poor deaf who trusted him, that he stole from and fooled, and now their justice may never served.
diehardbiker65 said:
Again, the point here is that all law enforcement will ALWAYS follow the evidences. If there is lack of evidence, then the talk is cheap. These kind of accusation will NEVER be upheld in the court of law WITHOUT any SOLID evidence!

Remember the Double Jeopardy law! No one is permitted to be tried for same crime twice! That is why it is wise to have hard evidence shown, that way this person would have found guilty period.

Good example, Michael Jackson! No hard evidence, now he walks! Will he ever be tried again suppose today cop just found plenty of hard evidence? The answer is NO! No court will ever allow that!

The court system in America is VERY STRICT! ALL VERBAL EVIDENCES is considered only 5% of the case! The witness evidence weights less than 20% of the evidence! The best evidence is DNA, Poloroid photos, and ANY HARD and solid EVIDENCE that shows how crime was committed. This is to prevent any false accusation based on just personal preferancem or in attempt to collect money the wrong way.

Im not going to support Bob Berry at all, I don't know who the hell he is, BUT, I believe taht Bob Berry deserve to have fair trial, period. I have been though false accusation, I was shocked to find myself accused for rape to a woman, and believe it or not, that woman who accused me had 5 witness against me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I realize that they are trying to take advantage of me because I happen to be in wrong place and wrong time. But, the evidence is NOT there to support the woman's word. What saved my ass is that all of 5 witness and that woman herself said yes they all were drunk. So case closed, and dismissed. I then understand and respect the court of law, and their justice practice.

2 years is LONG enough, that would give investigators more time to try to find hard evidence while he serve the time. So, it is wise to just let it go and let them deal with them. Once they find the hard evidence within 2 years time frame, BB would have to go to trial, PERIOD, BB won't be able to escape anyway. If no evidence is found then nothing we can do.

Good morning, diehardbiker!!! :ty: :) for reminding me about the double jeopardy law, I completely forgot about that!!!! That is true, a person cannot be tried for the same crime twice. I agree, that is person deserves a fair trial, and that is what our justice system is all about. I read a lot of your postings, you are always so interesting to read, you present facts, knowledge. You should have gone into law and become a paralegal, even a lawyer. You present some good facts.
What truly distresses me is the disrespect that had been shown to you with this woman and her 5 witnesses. Why are woman so callous with another human being, especially when it comes to a man, like you. So you happen to be at the same place, they got a good look at you, and then when something had gone wrong with them, now they need someone to blame, and of course it had to be you, because they had a good description of you. How wrong is that? Something like this must have left an emotional scar on you. You had been wrongly accused of something, but, luckily, these women couldn't present any hard evidence. To accuse you so unfairly was so wrong. I am very glad for you, that the law was on your side, and I hope these women have learned a good lesson about behavior the next time they go out.
Again, I really feel you should look into being a paralegal, you know so much, and always present some really good facts. Thanks again for the reminder too, there is so much to remember with the law, that we tend to forget that a person convicted has rights too, even though we don't support them.
Have a good one!!