Deaf man attacked at Subway


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Jul 20, 2005
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Deaf man attacked at Subway

POLICE are hunting two attackers who assaulted a deaf teenager in the city centre, leaving him unconscious.

The assault took place around 10pm on Monday, July 25, when the victim was coming out of St Enoch's Subway station.

He was attacked by two men who punched and kicked him unconscious.

An ambulance took him to the Royal Infirmary where he was treated for injuries to his face and ribs.

The suspects are described as both white, aged 19 to 20, around 5ft 10 and of slim build. One of the men was wearing a black baseball cap.

Police are asking anyone who may have information to contact Stewart Street Police Station.

Detective Constable Steve Grimason, of city centre CID, said: "This was an unprovoked assault on this boy."

The attack has only just been reported to the police.
:mad: What is this world coming to when a person cannot walk the subways peacefully without getting attacked. Especially someone who is deaf or hard of hearing. What reason did these 2 guys have? Money, the wonderful feeling of control, the enjoyment of seeing someone like this young man suffer. It's awful. I hope they find these 2 (whatever they are) because they are not human, and give them what they truly deserve.