Deaf, hard-of-hearing students perform first test of sign language by cell phone


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
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The MobileASL software could potentially run on any device with a video camera situated on the same side as the screen (like the iPhone 4 or HTC Evo), but was tested on some imported European phones. Eleven participants tried out MobileASL, giving the experience positive reviews.

Texting and e-mail are current options for long distance communication used by the deaf and hearing impaired, but MobileASL is nice because it allows users to chat face-to-face, eliminating text-based communication misunderstandings. It also uses 10 times less bandwidth than options like FaceTime, which helps maximize battery life under such heavy video use.

Deaf, hard-of-hearing students perform first test of sign language by cell phone

I know this image is old HTC TyTN II.
Mobile ASL from UW Deaf/HH Advanced Studies

Thought this article share-worthy... Apologies if post is redundant...

An excerpt:

Newly released high-end phones, such as the iPhone 4 and the HTC Evo, offer video conferencing. But users are already running into hitches -- broadband companies have blocked the bandwidth-hogging video conferencing from their networks, and are rolling out tiered pricing plans that would charge more to heavy data users.

The UW team estimates that iPhone's FaceTime video conferencing service uses nearly 10 times the bandwidth of MobileASL. Even after the anticipated release of an iPhone app to transmit sign language, people would need to own an iPhone 4 and be in an area with very fast network speeds in order to use the service. The MobileASL system could be integrated with the iPhone 4, the HTC Evo, or any device that has a video camera on the same side as the screen.

Mod Note:

Thread's merged.
Repetition is not always bad. If one misses the forum thread related to his / her query and by chance visited another thread which deals with the same issue then it will be a time saving factor for them.
