Deaf Filmmakers??


New Member
Oct 26, 2006
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I've been collecting Deaf filmmakers movies (DVDs) recently.

I know of:

ASL films
Rustic Lantern Films
Peter Wolf Productions (Dying to get Deafula!!)
Hilari Scarl (not deaf but did Superdeafy among other Deaf related stuff)

I realize there are tons of movies with deaf characters, but I am interested in ASL films made with Deaf power! :cool2:

Any other filmmakers or movies that I should be aware of??

No need for DEBATE on who is worthy!!!! Try to be NICE:laugh2:
I've seen ads for the Maine Deaf film festival in Portland. I see you are in Massachusetts, might not be that far from you.
Do believe there is a deaf filmmaker but his name slips me....He was on DSC (Deaf Singles Connection) for years...does not live in the States tho'....I'll try asking around about it.