Deaf event ideas please!


New Member
Jan 21, 2006
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I'm going to working with TACID (Tacoma Area Coalition for Individuals with Disabilities, I think) to try and get some events going on here. Why does Seattle have to have all the fun? Any suggestions, ideas? Anything would be mooooooooost appreciated.
anvil :bump:
How about a Dunk Tank with certain AD members in the hot seat? Get your tickets here! Three throws for 5 bucks! :thumb:
Do you know CSCDHH (I think they merged with an audiologist organization this year)? They may have ideas. I hear one of their people has really good deaf event ideas that you can use for Tacoma.
Bowling, coffee social, deaf gathering at the mall food court, social at a ice/skating rink (sounds fun), those are a few of my ideas. There are endless of ideas, anyhow. ;)
My old ITP teamed up with CSD San Antonio to sponsor regular Bingo nights. I'm not exactly sure what changes are needed for a Deaf/Hoh crowd though. They started just after I moved to KY.

You guys rock, just keep em coming if you think of anymore. Thank you so much!
Tousi said:
How about a Dunk Tank with certain AD members in the hot seat? Get your tickets here! Three throws for 5 bucks! :thumb:

How about a dunk tank section on AD.

Go out to movie theater with opened caption (avaible in Tacoma?.) and after movie go to pizza resturant. Not wanna paid for the movie/pizza? Go bingo or poker with fake tokens.
Grand Canyon tour, camp, hike, and fly heliocopter with disabilities. And also lodging and food services.
What about a course in origami, that would be so fun and it uses both the right and left brain. There's origami clubs even in Universities and the Math people are really into it too.

And you could have a snb, knitting group if the guys want to play basketball.