Deaf enterpreneur...

Stop focusing on this. I mean, maybe they aren't ignoring the message, just the messenger. Understand?

Deaf people trying to make it big is not a new concept, either.

Ignoring a post because of the messenger?
Not only it's particularly nasty, it's speaking volumes of those who do that.

Get back to the topic, which isn't, and shouldn't be, the members of AD

Exactly. I didn't start this up, and tried to stop it. This entire time I am pointing this out.
Free advice- perhaps you should start practice what YOU preach??

Deaf people trying to make it big is not a new concept, either

I didn't say it is.
But I do think someone making a visible, successful effort DOES deserve a praise. or discussion, at least.

People like this deaf entrepreneur can change the way hearing people view deaf. OMG they're just deaf, why shouldn't they be successful. I hope he is so successful that many more deaf will be inspired and the day will come when being deaf means as little as having blue eyes. I appreciate him, Fizzy.

I was thinking the same thing - that the millions of DD viewers will realize that being deaf does not mean being clueless or helpless or LIMITED.

That there are ways to go around the issue of being deaf - like using interpreter while communicating with the hearing pple,
and anything else is exactly the same as with everyone else.

And being deaf can equal with being a smart, shrewd businessman.
It's like being anyone else :)

yes, I agree with you that this person is an inspiration for other deaf people who may dream of their own business, or other endeavors some day.

Ignoring a post because of the messenger?
Not only it's particularly nasty, it's speaking volumes of those who do that.

Oh please, tell me how it feels...

Exactly. I didn't start this up, and tried to stop it. This entire time I am pointing this out.
Free advice- perhaps you should start practice what YOU preach??

You whined like a little schoolgirl when nobody replied. Yeah, I started this. I told you to back off from me, and focus on the topic. You keep trying to defend your whining as a "I am a voice for the deaf" routine, and frankly, I don't consider you an expert.

I didn't say it is.
But I do think someone making a visible, successful effort DOES deserve a praise. or discussion, at least.

Then discuss that, not me or other members. I will defend myself when you want to single me out. This is clearly a mismatch. Better to unsubscribe. :wave:
People like this deaf entrepreneur can change the way hearing people view deaf. OMG they're just deaf, why shouldn't they be successful. I hope he is so successful that many more deaf will be inspired and the day will come when being deaf means as little as having blue eyes. I appreciate him, Fizzy.

I meant Fuzzy. LOL
Samson Hartland
Does anyone know this person??? I was impressed.

Fishy deal *|* Yukon News


I've known of a handful of deaf entrepeneurs, even one personally. They're very rare, but they're out there. Most of the blame could probably be put on educational institutions; its not like mainstream schools teach entreprenuership; there is an perverse anti-business bias in academia.
Going into the Dragon's Den is very scary. They'll rip you into pieces.

They are merciless. If you are not prepared, they very politely will make you look like an idiot in front of millions of viewers in a matter of few seconds.

But most importantly, to show that you CAN do business, you need to show them you indeed CAN do business, and only this matters.
And all you have what - 5 minutes to do that?

That's why it's so impressive.
And Hartlands did that.

I absolutely agree that

They're very rare, but they're out there.

For that matter, even the hearing successful entrepreneurs are not that common.
Small one person type businesses owners are a-plenty alright,
but to own a company that hires a considerate number of people is entire different matter.

A really big, big, big entrepreneurial cahuna the line of the billions and billions and BILLIONS of dollars
- I'll bet none of you even heard first current ten names -
out of the entire world population - a mere handful.

So, dam' right - it's great success that a deaf person went on DD to pitch it's own business, and successfully at that.
I believe, truly worth some kudos. Especially here, no?

It's also a very good insight that a blame for more deaf people not trying their luck as entrepreneurs might lie in

a/like you've said Machine Ghost, a general lack of information how to become one
b/perhaps the deaf pple are not encouraged or not enough ?

I meant Fuzzy. LOL

hahaha, you may not believe it but once I signed myself
