Deaf community in Tampa fl


New Member
Oct 2, 2007
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I have not been on AD in a long time as my attention has been drawn to other medical issues. I was nagged by my wife into getting my hearing checked and it turned out that what I thought was selective hearing was actual hearing loss. My first audiogram showed mild-moderate loss indicative of noise damage. My audi said that I would get progressively worse. I have since then found out that I had alot of ear infections when I was a baby that may contribute to this loss. I wanted to start taking asl classes but my wife was not supportive of the classes or of me going to any kind of deaf gatherings. That was about a year and a half ago so I figured it is time to get another hearing check. I know that it will be worse than just normal ageing loss. I have noticed that noises are not as loud, my tinnitus is a little louder, words sound more mummbled, and I am getting a hollowish sound in both ears from time to time. I am hoping that this shows my wife that my problem is serious and the time to learn asl is not after I have lost all my hearing.

I know that matter how many books I read or how many classes I take my learning will be limited if I do not get out into the community and use what I learn. I have tried searching the net for groups and meets in my area but the closest I can find is the deafcoffee in ST. Pete. I can't believe that in an area as big as Tampa that there are not other groups that meet on the Tampa side of the bay. This area is populated enough that I would expect to find groups for the Brandon area (just east of Tampa) as well as several in Tampa. Does anyone know any groups in the city of Tampa or Brandon or at least a resource for finding these groups?

Oh wow!

First of all I am sorry that your wife is not supportive of you, in this difficult time of your life.

Second of all Tampa Bay has a huge deaf culture. They even have a Deaf Softball team and such gatherings.

If you have Face Book this site may help you...

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