Deaf Animals


New Member
May 25, 2010
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Do you guys have any deaf pet?

I have a little Chihuahua. I love her dearly- She's my world- There is pros and cons about having a deaf animal... It's worth it. She teaches me to be more appreciative with my life.
Awww. Your dog is adorable. How does she teach you to be appreciative with your life?
I have a deaf Pekingese. There are no cons. He is perfect, well behaved, very attentive, much loved by my other two dogs.

I have owned several deaf animals throughout my life.
I learned to become more patient with people and animals now and I also enjoy having her company. There is one con with me and my dog- I can't shout to get her attention.
I don't have deaf pet, but at my old work, Doggy Daycare, we had a deaf boxer named Samantha. Beautiful amazing dog! She was born into a boxer rescue so they taught her commands by sign. She knows "focus", "sit", "laydown", "come", "speak", "eat", "potty", and "bed". She is so cool. Her owner was at the rescue checking out pups and waited till she was fully trained, then learned all the signs for her, and even took a class so that he could understand how to care for her. She loves coming to daycare, she has a blast!
sorry the picture is blurry