Deaf After Hearing?


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Hi! I just wondered if any of you became deaf after you have been a hearing or hard of hearing person, how do you cope? I have been deaf since 2004 due to a condition called Menieres. I talk, read lips, I dont sign because I was told if I relied on sign language most of the time I could lose my voice so I dont sign but I can sign once in awhile if I am around people who do. I just cannot sign all the time just for myself so I can keep my voice. Like most people I have days where I am just sad or down which is understandable and a way of accepting it and coping with it. I also realize I have alot to be grateful for. It isnt all the time so I dont need anti depressants or anything. I find hearing people just dont understand, they try to sympathize and empathize but they really just dont truly understand. That is why sites like this are so important. I am so glad I found this place. So to make a long story short, I just wondered how you cope when you have a day where it gets to you. I probably am too hard on myself, everyone says I dont give myself enough credit. Guess I just needed to get this off my mind. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any replies. Take care! (((hugs)))
I lost my hearing at age 4 from spinal mengetisis. yet, I still speak even though I sign. learning to sign will not cause you to lose your speaking skills. I learned to speak before I learned to sign.
So I'd learn to sign and keep talking, you will do well with both. And it gives you more tools to use.
I conccur with BearBeauty. I've known sign since I was 13 and I speak well enough to pass for hearing. BTW, I was born with a servere to profound loss.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I knew a Deaf family in Virgina when I attended VSD in Staunton; both kids could speak well even though sign was their first language.
I was born deaf so never knew what it is like to be hearing. However, I grew up orally not knowing sign. Learned ASL 10 years ago and now I use it at least 95% of the time. Sometimes I go for days using it 100% buit no matter how much I use it, I still maintain my speech skills. Never lost them so I don't know who told u that but most deaf/hoh signers still are able to communicate just fine without signing. The only thing that is difficult is maintaining my lipreading skills but I think that is due to my not wanting to work as hard at it like I did all my life. No more motivation cuz it is too exhausting.

Sorry that u r going thru this and there r plenty of member here that used to be hearing so hopefully some of them will post in this thread.

Hang in there! :)
I was hearing until age 11. Learned sign at 18. After over 20 years of signing I still have a good voice. Don't listen to those myths.
Oh, wanted to add.. Audiologists and the professionals that tell you that signing will take away from speech really are going by myths themselves, so keep signing and working on your speech. I've been doing this for 23 years, and I've never lost my voice just because I sign or lost my signing abilities just because I speak. SO the myth is just that, a myth made to scare the deaf. I have had years of no sign language, yet i can go back to it like a duck to water. And I've had times of no speaking, and I can go back to speaking with no difficulties.
I began to loose my hearing around 13. I'm 16 now, and am making the best of the situation. I believe everything happens for a reason. I'm still not thrilled that I'm HoH now, but I'm not really bummed about it anymore. :)