

New Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Did you guys ever had a cyst/cysts? I had a cyst inside my left wrist when I was 17 years old. Mine's size as a marble ( ball ). At first time, I thought it was bone deformed or growing into a bone deformed. It was really funny when first time that I told my mother about my wrist became sore. When I bend my wrist, you can see a lump! My mother was surprised and asked the doctor about it then I had to go to the hospital for having a biopsy for a cyst. It was completely benign but it was infectious because of keep growing to get bigger. I got an operation to removed a cyst and it's pretty painful but my left hand became swollen and couldn't use sign languages. I only use my right hand to talk! *sighs* Some of my nerves damaged because of surgery but I'm glad that my left hand is still able to do and use sign languages.
I remember after the surgery day, I couldn't move my fingers... It was frikkin' pain from hell.... After about 2 weeks later, I started to move my fingers to use sign languages, others when the pain is less and less.
Yep, my hubby had one in his foot. His dr had to inject a needle to pop it, he was telling me it was goddamn painful. So far no cyst...dr warned him if another cyst in another place, dr will surgically remove it.
I still have a cyst.... mine size is a tennis ball... it is huge knee back.... i refused to remove the cyst and i already knew a friend of mine told me that the cyst is the best worse painful.... a friend of mine told me that warned me that if i refuse remove the cyst off.. it will become a cancer.... i told her that i dont want to hear about cancer...i had a cyst for over 13 years....when i walk and sometime it is hurtful and cant life the boxes too heavy .. i used to be lift a heavy and be strongs myself but when i found out that i have a cyst on my back knee... i have to more careful myself... maybe i might have a surgery sometime this summer and wait and see....
I had my cyst removed from my breast in 1997 and it turned out to be cancerous. I am fine and got a clean bill from doctor.
catlover_Amy81 said:
Did you guys ever had a cyst/cysts? I had a cyst inside my left wrist when I was 17 years old. Mine's size as a marble ( ball ). At first time, I thought it was bone deformed or growing into a bone deformed. It was really funny when first time that I told my mother about my wrist became sore. When I bend my wrist, you can see a lump! My mother was surprised and asked the doctor about it then I had to go to the hospital for having a biopsy for a cyst. It was completely benign but it was infectious because of keep growing to get bigger. I got an operation to removed a cyst and it's pretty painful but my left hand became swollen and couldn't use sign languages. I only use my right hand to talk! *sighs* Some of my nerves damaged because of surgery but I'm glad that my left hand is still able to do and use sign languages.

What you described is a ganglion cyst, I believe. I have two of them ...*thinking*... No, actually I have three of them. I have two on my left wrist, and possibly a small one on my right wrist. These aren't bothersome to me, so I've not sought to have them removed. If and when they do begin to bother me, I'll consider their removal.

What you described about the surgery I think is true. From what I read, the removal of the cyst is actually worse than the cyst itself, so that is why I won't consider having anything done to them unless they become painful or intervere with my daily activities.
I have a sebaceous (fatty) cyst on my forehead, a little to the left. It is not big, but about the size of a peanut. I rather that it was located behind my left butt or right, but better none at all, ha! I was eating a lot of chocolates and potato chips (sweets and oily foods) at the time and had several pimples or acne showed up on my forehead. I popped all, but one at early stage and was curious what the last one will do if I left it alone. I now regret for leaving it alone. The ones I popped have cleared up. I decided to see if I could get rid of the cyst myself. I cut the skin along the wrinkle lines, but realized that there are a lot of veins in the forehead so I immediately closed it. The skin healed without any scar from the cut because I followed the wrinkle lines. Later, still wanting to get rid of the cyst, I bought some syringes and used one syringe at a time to draw out anything that was in the cyst, but nothing came out. It made me think that maybe my cyst is just a tiny air bag, but it is not. (humor: I don't think it is big enough to protect my head from a head-on-collision, ha!) I was careful about getting it infected and had special liquid soap that kills germs and washed first before dealing with that stubborn cyst. It is still there so I plan on letting a doctor take care of it.
Sorry to hear that some of you have had painful experiences with a cyst. I can imagine mine will be painful when a surgeon removes it. If it is going to be a painful removal, I rather be asleep during surgery. Hope your recoveries will turn out well.
I never had a cyst before, and don't have one yet. I hope I don't get one, it sounds painful...ugh
sequoias said:
I never had a cyst before, and don't have one yet. I hope I don't get one, it sounds painful...ugh

Most ganglion cysts aren't painful. However, they sometimes, do get large enough that they become bothersome; sometimes even painful. That's when you consider removal. Other types of cysts are painful. If you ever notice an usual bump or lump, have it looked at by a doctor.

i had a cyst in my ear MAN it hurt like hell when they had to remove the cyst it was a size of a grape i was like YEOOOOOOOOCH! it hurt i was abt 12 when that happened, it was on my left ear and hasn't come back since but the pus in the cyst cause me to have a minor ear infection so that went away in time, only a mere 4 months ago i was in the ER due to severe cyst in my ovary they gave me a speical antiboditcs and its since gone away and i haven't had it come back since so thats a relive for me, i just don't want to have to lose a ovary when im planning on having a baby in the next 5 yrs so yah its not easy considering but id like to carry on the surname for my future and not only that im the last in the line now and would like to have that name carry on for the future generations. but all in all that cyst didnt hurt just crampy for 3 days and very bytchy too! sheesh that's all i have had dad had a cyst on his shoulder and surgricially removed he's fine now only hurt for a day and he took all of his medication and hes fine now.. back at work and all :)
I had cyst before when i was 17 yrs old, thats damn painfulllllly when surgery, removed by near tailbone at Kaiser ...wished i take sleep drug.. recovery at home, hate do that clean and pains.. to heal already
I used to have a cyst on my right wrist. Had it removed then it grew back. Few years later it went away by itself. Now I am cyst free.