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Jan 21, 2009
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I know that members of the deaf culture feel that deaf students should be taught by deaf teachers. I happen to work in a public school district that employs a deaf teacher. My question you feel that hearing students learn from a deaf teacher as well as they do from a hearing teacher. The biggest reason I ask, is that I have heard that students frequently cheat in his class as he doesn't hear them whispering.
Ouch about kids whispering to cheat! That's one of the many reason why I refuse to teach hearing kids. I used to teach them when pursuing my BA degree...never again.

As for them learning from the deaf teacher as much as they would from a hearing teacher..I believe, the answer is yes. However, I also believe that deaf children can learn from a hearing teacher just as much as a deaf teacher if both are fluent in ASL.

I am deaf and not a native ASL user and my co-worker is a CODA..her first language was ASL..which of us would the kids learn better from? I dont think it matters as long as we are able to present the content effectively.
You're asking about the students learning from a deaf teacher. But then you say they're cheating behind a deaf teachers back.

Its contradicting. Do you care more that he is deaf- or that the children are cheating and he doesn't know it?

They are learning from him, if they choose to. He still teaches his lessons and like in any school- its up to the child to listen and absorb. Deaf or not, if they're going to cheat they will find a way. I was in HS not to long ago, and trust me..even if I had a hearing teacher, people still cheated. I think its great that hearing kids are exposed to the deaf culture a little. They are probably learning more from him than anyone, aside from the kids, can imagine.
I believe hearing students learn from a deaf teacher as well as they do from a hearing teacher. Hearing and deaf students do cheat, you know. I have seen deaf classmates communicate through sign language during tests and quizzes when a teacher did not look.

My case was different, though. During my junior year at a private school, I had a HOH teacher, Mr. Goad. He didn't know any sign language. I couldn't remember what his medical conditions and hearing loss level were. He did wear his hearing aids. Also, His back was not straight, and he usually lifted his head up, so he can look at students or write on the board. He looked like Dr. Stephen Hawking. I did not have an interpreter. I can read his lips, and understand him most of the time, because he talked slowly, which was helpful for me. He knew that. He was extremely brilliant, and taught advanced math classes like calculus, trigonometry, statistics, and analysis. Unfortunately, the students did make fun of his appearance, and his hearing aids. He knew all about it. He stuck his guns.

One time, the class and I were working on math practice problems. Some students in the back of the class were whispering and being immature. Mr.Goad slammed his fragile hand on the desk, and barked at students," I can hear!" He pointed a finger at his hearing aids, "If you do it again, I'll kick you out." He kept reminding the class if a student caught whispering or cheating during tests/quizzes, there will be major consequences. The class felt his presence. He did watch like a hawk. I never forget his serious looks.

After rereading my post, I understand what you mean about being contradictory. That wasn't my intention, so I do apologize. I have seen this teacher teach and there are times that it seems that the students are frequently unsure of his directions. My curiosity was more about whether this was a result of his being deaf and his students hearing, or if it had more to do with overall classroom management and presentation. Therefore, I was looking for input from others that may have also been in this position.