Cure for CAPD?


New Member
Apr 12, 2009
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Hi all,

I have CAPD which, on particularly bad days, makes me wish I could be voluntarily deaf (think "when sound makes no sense and stresses you out!").

Recently, I heard from a contact that Acetyl-L-Carnitine stimulates the part of the brain that dysfunctions in persons with CAPD and can make symptoms less severe. Has anyone else heard this? Are there any trials or research carried out to support this? I have long been told that CAPD is incurable, so should I shell out hard earned cash to put this to the trial or should I stick with buying cheap ear plugs?

Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

CAPD and APD are processing issues within the brain itself - there's no cure for it.

Don't waste your money on trying various "some research says" drugs.

The best way to handle processing issues is to find ways of managing and coping with the symptoms (learning ASL, using FM etc) - not experimenting with medications.
Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking. It just seemed tempting to hear that someone was having positive results with it and I wanted those, too.

Thanks for the honest reply :)