Costco Hearing Test


New Member
Nov 13, 2011
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:wave: First off, I just want to say I am aware that I should be going to a true Audiologists office rather than Costco to get my hearing checked. However, I live in an area right now that doesn't have any around here that I'm able to go to, so it's either Costco or nothing. The last time I went to an Audi and got tested, which was a little over three years ago, they found that I was profoundly deaf but was able to use hearing aids to help with any residual hearing I had. I now haven't been able to use aids for about a year and a half, though I didn't get my hearing checked to see if a different type of aid would work. Basically, I have quite a few medical issues, but one of which is a bone disease that is causing my bones to disintegrate which includes the bones in my ears. When I had my tests three years ago they said the bones in my ears were pretty eaten up but they weren't completely gone. I'm assuming they're probably gone now. I basically just want to see where I'm at now.

I guess my main question here was just to see how the Costco Hearing Center works. I haven't made an appointment yet but was hoping to sometime this week.

Anyways, how does Costco's testing work? Is it basically the same as any regular Audi? What type of testing do they do there?

Thank You!