Colorado Store Clerk Saves Baby Just Before Customer Collapses During Seizure


In Hazzard County
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Nov 30, 2005
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This happened about couple months ago... the clerk probably saved the baby from serious injury or worse.

It was a simple move, but a heroic one.

A Colorado convenience store clerk alertly grabbed a baby away from the infant's mother just before the customer collapsed while having a seizure on Sunday.

"She came up to pay for an item and I was talking to her and trying to make the baby smile," Rebecca Montano told ABC 7. "All of the sudden she had a blank look on her face and I sensed something was very wrong."

The quick-thinking Montano noticed the customer's face start to glaze over, and quickly grabbed the little girl before the mother slumped backward and fell to the floor.

Unfortunately, she could not stop the mother from tumbling down. Montano said the woman "hit her head badly" when she fell, according to the station.

"I just wanted to save the baby from getting hurt," Montano told 9 News. "If she would've fallen with the baby in her arms, who knows where that baby would've landed?"

Montano, a mother of five and grandmother of nine, handed the baby to another customer in the Arvada store so she could call 911 and check to make sure the young mom continued to breathe.

"The police said I did the right thing by taking the baby because if she had fallen with the baby it could have been really bad," Montano told ABC 7.

The woman came back into the store later in the week to thank Montano and said she and her daughter were doing well, according to the station.