cochlear implants

I'm hoh.. My loss stopped me from joining the hearing world in many ways, although I use a hearing aid.. I know,HA or CI don't change my state of hearing or deaf.. They just assist me.... I'm not totally deaf yet.. I'm in somewhere neither in hearing nor deaf world completely.. WHO AM I ?
ecevit said:
I'm hoh.. My loss stopped me from joining the hearing world in many ways, although I use a hearing aid.. I know,HA or CI don't change my state of hearing or deaf.. They just assist me.... I'm not totally deaf yet.. I'm in somewhere neither in hearing nor deaf world completely.. WHO AM I ?

I know exactly what you mean. Took me years to figure that out for the most part. There are no easy answers... I'm fortunate that I could fit into the hearing world but like you I'm still a 'tweener no matter what I do.

The hearing world will let you join but you have your limits and the truly deaf claim you hear (it isn't that rigid anymore but it's still there). So, you're left saying what a crock sometimes!!!
Well......back when hearing aids first became popular they thought that aids were gonna spell the end of the deaf community.
I think where it gets real difficult is figuring out who can and in the meanwhile provide a variety of tools for them so they can find their own niche. No two people are alike...
EXACTLY!!!!! We need to provide a varitety of tools to EVERYONE who has been affected by pediatric hearing loss. We should NOT get stuck in the mentality " Oh they hear too well.....they don't "need" sign, or "they can speak....they don't "need" sign or other "speshal" instruction.
Oh that's guys are Hoh (note capitalization) .... Hoh folks are folks who are "tweeners" but yet don't quite idenityfy with Deaf culture, but at the same time aren't all "Boohoohoo" negative about being dhh, the way folks who ID as hearing impaired do.
deafdyke said:
We need to provide a varitety of tools to EVERYONE who has been affected by pediatric hearing loss. We should NOT get stuck in the mentality " Oh they hear too well.....they don't "need" sign, or "they can speak....they don't "need" sign or other "speshal" instruction.

Thank you deafdyke. That adds to my earlier point about doing whatever works. As someone mentioned, no two people are alike and what works for one, may not work for the other. I totally agree with that and I will search for what ever works for my child and gravitate towards that solution. If his learning needs change, then we will adjust. I am a proponent of doing what ever works and I am glad there are a variety of tools to choose from. I would not be doing my job as a parent if I got stuck on a single solution that wasn't working out for my child and didn't try different approaches.

I only hope that he is not shunned by the natural deaf community if a non ASL solution works for him. I will also teach him that all people are equal no matter what race, creed, religion, disability or level of hearing they have. I will not raise my child to be a bigot.
I would not be doing my job as a parent if I got stuck on a single solution that wasn't working out for my child and didn't try different approaches.

I only hope that he is not shunned by the natural deaf community if a non ASL solution works for him.
Huh? Sounds kinda contradictory there..... What I think you're missing is that many of us dhh folks think that Sign shouldn't be just for "oral failures." We just think that hearing parents need to equip their dhh kids with ALL the tools possible, rather then being stuck in a " this is the ONLY WAY" mode. A lot of us are very happy that things like Cued Speech or oral training worked for's just that we're wondering WHY we had to work so hard with only ONE tool...... A parent first needs to figure out which language should be their kids' first language.......and THEN build a library of choices from there. It's like oral skills work well for one on one, but not too well in crowded situtions, Cued Speech works well to develop literacy, but it's not commonly used as a primary tool. See what I am saying now? Your SON/CHILD needs to be the one to decide when and where he can use those tools. The parents' ONLY responsibilty is to make sure a dhh kid HAS those tools in the first place.
There are a LOT of us here for whom ASL isn't our first language.....
deafdyke said:
Oh that's guys are Hoh (note capitalization) .... Hoh folks are folks who are "tweeners" but yet don't quite identify with Deaf culture, but at the same time aren't all "Boohoohoo" negative about being dhh, the way folks who ID as hearing impaired do.

I'm going to totally disagree with deafdyke on this. We're NOT 'tweener's 'not quite identifying with Deaf Culture', we will never identify with it, we are a different sector, with differing backgrounds,and differing ways of communicating, many of us have never stepped into a deaf club or school, these points (Facts), are also hammered home by deaf cultists who repeatedly tell us we will just be spectators at best even if we sign better than they do, and buy a ticket to the cultural show, via our deafness, it's patronizing too.

I have no intention for ever joining a deaf cultural community, I have my own sector to belong to, my own campaigns to fight, my own preferences. Again the UK seems to be leading the way here, by setting up their own sites, offering alternative views on access and rights, and pressing for funding and support to be targeted by need and not culture, which is what is happening now. OK, so you need some 'identity' (Individualism is obviously dead !), so invent your own, don't hang on the shirt tails of others trying to be what you aren't. We're different we are unique and special too ! We floated 'Undeaf' as a term for a laugh, but it did seem to fit the bill in that we weren't hearing or able to hear anymore, but not 'Deaf' either.

We are on the road to liberty ! NOT prepared to have other labels thrust on us, not prepared to accept perceptions of culturally attributed to deafness, since, we are living proof of the opposite. We want professionals in the field of deaf support taken back to awareness as well, the cultural tag is turning out pros who are unaware what we need, as are sign classes and courses, which ignore us. We're not so much back (We've always been here), but taking control too. We want deaf access laws changed to respect the fact WE are here too. I'm personally tired of 'Deaf' groups statinga dual remit to serve us all, while using funds selectively, it's fraud let's face it.

I respect those who want to use sign and culture at the expense of everything else, but, we will correct any misinterpretations they publicize or state. We've been quiet to damn long... We're alos the majority so DON'T upset us ;)
My question is HOW CAN DEAF PEOPLE TALK TO ANOTHER DEAF PEOPLE WITHOUT SIGN LANGUAGE??? HUH??? Deaf people may not understand with another deaf people's oral.

Thank you for bringing this question up. I have said it earlier in other post topic that It s very very rude of them doing that to me or any deafies while they are using oral speaking around us. No respect for others at all.

Now for these people with ex HA and CI devices are fed up with audist attitude people who doesnt have any respect that has not changed yet.

Something I do not understand whats going on here. It s all about self centered as usual.. They dont care about you but themselves which is a huge problem. NOw we are in the middle of the border betweem Deaf and Hearing more than any of you think CI is the answer. Thats the problem now. Scoffs! I dont need your whine anymore after all you screwed up everything that I can see.

I can see CI user have been complained about their pains that is already showed the fact. I can see people are ignored it.. What a wacko people who doenst have any respect for ex HA and CI users.

All I can say d/Deaf people are not functionally hearing as you think you are.. What a laugh! You dont hear but do read their lips without signing.. It s not taking you anywhere too.

I can see there is all mixed up in their head and denying that they do not have any problem with CI or HA devices or hearing people in the community as I do not believe this whole story of yours. You are still miss out and do need the interpreter that doesnt mean you are functionally hearing or act like hearing.. ** rolling my eyes**

What a amazing for a d/Deaf people act like a hearing! OH please!! I was in their shoes and know the truth. I am not gonna to lie to anybody who wants to know the truth or the facts..

ALL I AM SEEING THAT IT S NO SUCH THING ABOUT TWO WAYS STREET, It s still same old routine behavior patterns from audist attitude people. What a fun for me to read some of your post reply! Yea Kiss their arses as usual as you think you are better than anybody else. Scoffs!

Too much mixed messages from you people who doesnt have any common sense as I can see. Again, some of you are denying yourself that is very obviously. What a pity!

YOU ARE DEAF. So be it. because you cannot hear without any devices except you can feel the noise around you. That is when it vibrates through our body that you can Feel it. We need to have our adaption first before you force anyone to have any devices.. Thats the problem they are lost somewhere in many ways all their lives.

Have a good day! ;)
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I'm as deaf as you can ever be, with zero ratings in either ear, I got tired of being told I wasn't, by people in the deaf community who actually COULD hear, it all seemed so stupid and eltitist to me. Time and again we read 'CI's enforced on deaf people', 'CI's are the death of the deaf community' etc, never in any implant in the UK (I cannot speak for America), was there ever a case, where a deaf person was forced to have one, our laws don't allow it.

For those who decide at the age of legal consent they don't want to use their CI, the off swich is there as it always was, for those who would rather not hear anything. I read one individual who had attended a deaf school and felt ostracised because others shunned them (The signers), I suspect HERE is where the battles really are, deaf people who user assistance via aids or CI's/BAHA's are being made to feel guilty and suffering lack of social interaction by some spitefult Deaf, who shun them, that is the worst of it, social inter-action is all as we know, and using that as a 'wea[on' to prolong cultural aspiration, is one suer way of encouraging others to stay well clear.

For any minority language/culture to survive, it needs to assimilate and bend with the respective winds, total opposition will kill it. You need people on-side not in opposition, especially those who share the common base, i.e. deafness. You cannot afford to isolate them, they are in fact the deaf majority,and will only take so much....

Without a unity of purpose and acceptance we will be on opposing sides. A martyrdom doesn't suit everyone.

Thank you! ;) You have said it all except one quote. All Deaf people need to work together as teamwork. It s so sad to see this happens in America.. I know UK people are working together very well than America people. Sighs! Many d/Deaf oralism are out of their mind and turn against me and many other deafies that we want to make the difference to make it equally and have our rights to freedom.

I do not believe in CONFORM or FORCE those d/Deaf children like me and many other deafies with no ASL to provide that is our true language. Sighs! They are selfish and greedy to make us functionally hearing or become like a hearing child.. Scoffs!

I do not believe people have their rights to destroy our rights to freedom. Thats their own prejudice and discrimination against us for years and years.

I myself dont go Deaf club very often. It s only a special events that I would love to meet all kind of different d/Deaf people

Except this quote I dont agree with:

I suspect HERE is where the battles really are, deaf people who user assistance via aids or CI's/BAHA's are being made to feel guilty and suffering lack of social interaction by some spitefult Deaf, who shun them, that is the worst of it,.

I feel this is opposite quote that d/Deaf people who are not using their assistance any aids, are being made to feel guilty and suffering lack of social interaction by all CI radicals and audist attitude people's who have no respect for us and our hands to communicate with. They shun us out from Deaf community and Hearing community that has already happens in some ways. After we find out about ASL that works so well for us so therefore I stand up for our true languages that is a good purpose for me to support ASL. PERIOD!!!

Deafdyke thinks she knows it all that turns me off.. She called me ASL PROS and thinks I am a Deaf extremist person that is what a big laugh! Scoffs!

Thank you! ;)
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One of your moderator removed someone 's post topic about crap theory / their jealousy of my ( ex deaf oralist) and Deaf 's successful in DeafChat site because we believe that we can make a difference for both Hearing and Deaf communities to work together as teamwork.. Also we advocate our true languages that relates to many Deaf miniorities in their Deaf cultures that I support them all the way.

Guess what, it s okay for Hearing people named someone in her post topic that is still active and I, myself as natural deaf person with ex HA am not allowed to say anything. SCOFFS!

Now DeafChat has their own policy that I have nothing control over it. And you hate my guts and firmly with my job duty. I agreed what the owner is trying to do with the Deafchat's policy. Guess what he has the right to do this since he is Deaf owner of this site. I stick with the rules as it should be. I am doing the best to keep Deafchat clean and have fun for everybody who wants to come in without having a bigotry attitude or harrassment by audist attiude people like Deaf Activist who had done it in there few times.

Is that appropriate for Deaf activitist to perform the negative view side of d/Deaf people or Deaf community? Wow what a mixed message that I am getting.... Bingo!

I dont think Deaf activist that you know, who is honest to himself and doesnt have any respect for the owner who is very Deaf and refused to speak that is his choice to make. I dont blame him for it. He IS very successful man as a Deaf leader in Deaf community.

I dont play a games like what u have been all along.

He asked for it and make trouble for me.. Sighs!

What a very childish and cruel attitude I ever seen in my whole life? he is the worst than ASL militants as he thinks we are. What a laugh!!!!!!! It s actually ORALISM MILITANTS and his followers.

He doesnt like that I stood up for ASL or ex HA or CI or d/Deaf people or Deaf Disabilities like blind, cp, mental challenger because I am not going to keep them out of the picture in our Deaf community that needs ASL. MIND YOU!

I dont think of myself but for many deafies and hearies people that helps them to have a good communication in their hands. IT is a true language that we have the right to freedom. If you mind.

Guess what, Some people did voted that but they changed their mind and realized what they are getting into after they get to know me better in person and understand where I am standing for or from my writings that I do think of them not just for myself and care for all d/Deaf children 's rights to have their hands to communicate with FIRST , no matter you like it or not! GUess what, I did forget and forgive them for their mistakes.

NO MORE BULLSHIT with ONE - SIDED that is why I am here to point that out that is a big lie and get the wrong mixed messages.

Thats what I am getting alot of oppression for telling the truth and Truth hurts for all of us. So be it!

Thank you! ;)

I thought this topic was about cochlear implants??? :confused:

However, I do tend to agree that the b.s. is a bit one-sided, SM. ;)
Sweetmind said:
I dont care if it s private message but I have my rights to show the true facts of what is the real thing they did it to me and many deafies in Deaf community that people are fricking blind all along.

Oh, and FYI, the rules have changed:
6.) Absolutely no copying and pasting private messages from AllDeaf on here or another site unless permission was granted by the other party.
For those who decide at the age of legal consent they don't want to use their CI, the off swich is there as it always was, for those who would rather not hear anything. I read one individual who had attended a deaf school and felt ostracised because others shunned them (The signers), I suspect HERE is where the battles really are, deaf people who user assistance via aids or CI's/BAHA's are being made to feel guilty and suffering lack of social interaction by some spitefult Deaf, who shun them, that is the worst of it, social inter-action is all as we know, and using that as a 'wea[on' to prolong cultural aspiration, is one suer way of encouraging others to stay well clear.

Thank you! You have said it all except one quote. All Deaf people need to work together as teamwork. It s so sad to see this happens in America.. I know UK people are working together very well than America people. Sighs! Many d/Deaf oralism are out of their mind and turn against me and many other deafies that we want to make the difference to make it equally and have our rights to freedom.

We can have one language of ASL and SE that goes with or without orally speaking that I m looking at is really FAIR choices. I have no object for people who made their choices not by the parents who have so much prejudice attitudes that where it comes from MEDICAL professionals.
Sweetmind said:
Thank you for bringing this question up. I have said it earlier in other post topic that It s very very rude of them doing that to me or any deafies while they are using oral speaking around us. No respect for others at all.

And I'm sure you are the expert on respect. When dealing with something like respect, you might benefit from actually GIVING some in order to receive someone else's.

Sweetmind said:
Something I do not understand whats going on here. It s all about self centered as usual.. They dont care about you but themselves which is a huge problem. NOw we are in the middle of the border betweem Deaf and Hearing more than any of you think CI is the answer. Thats the problem now. Scoffs! I dont need your whine anymore after all you screwed up everything that I can see.

Let's THAT, you have a perfect handle on. After all, everything is about YOU, isn't it?

Sweetmind said:
All I can say d/Deaf people are not functionally hearing as you think you are.. What a laugh!

For some reason, I don't find this amusing. My sense of humor must be failing.

You see - it is MY belief that deaf individuals are fully CAPABLE of functioning - whether they choose to function in a hearing environment or in a anti-audist, militant extremist society like you pride yourself in doing. It all boils down to choice. That's the bottom line. Who are you to judge those who feel that they need a cochlear implant, or even their hearing aid in order to assist them in functioning in the manner that they choose?

Sweetmind said:
I can see there is all mixed up in their head and denying that they do not have any problem with CI or HA devices or hearing people in the community as I do not believe this whole story of yours. You are still miss out and do need the interpreter that doesnt mean you are functionally hearing or act like hearing.. ** rolling my eyes**

Maybe you're not functioning well in a silent world. You seem to have enough resistance for that claim to hold water.

And no, I don't see any problem with any deaf person wanting to have a CI or wear hearing aids. I suppose that my audist attitude is to blame here.

Sweetmind said:
What a amazing for a d/Deaf people act like a hearing! OH please!! I was in their shoes and know the truth. I am not gonna to lie to anybody who wants to know the truth or the facts..

You seem to lie to yourself quite well. I'll have you know that I do VERY well in a hearing society, and personally, I don't have any reservations with my lifestyle. I still consider myself to be a CI-wearing deaf person, but I'll NOT try to "follow" other people's standards by sidestepping what I feel comfortable with. I speak. I rarely use sign language unless I am with someone who requires for me to sign. I learned to sign in college and I did so out of respect for myself, my hearing loss, and for those around me who were hearing impaired. That was my choice. I may ACT as if I am hearing but that's all I learned how to do, but I'll never say I'm not deaf, either.

Sweetmind said:
ALL I AM SEEING THAT IT S NO SUCH THING ABOUT TWO WAYS STREET, It s still same old routine behavior patterns from audist attitude people. What a fun for me to read some of your post reply! Yea Kiss their arses as usual as you think you are better than anybody else. Scoffs!

When it comes from you, you're right. There's no such thing as two-way streets. Only dead ends and one way routes. The Sweetmind way or the highway, is that it?

Good luck getting people to travel in your direction. Looks like you have your work cut out for you - and this ain't something you can look up on Mapquest, either.

Sweetmind said:
YOU ARE DEAF. So be it. because you cannot hear without any devices except you can feel the noise around you. That is when it vibrates through our body that you can Feel it. We need to have our adaption first before you force anyone to have any devices.. Thats the problem they are lost somewhere in many ways all their lives.

Who said anything about force? Most of us who are posting here are old enough to make their own decisions. Contrary to popular belief, even if it's yours alone, not everyone is spoon-fed and molded to fit society by anyone other than themselves.
For those who decide at the age of legal consent they don't want to use their CI, the off swich is there as it always was, for those who would rather not hear anything. I read one individual who had attended a deaf school and felt ostracised because others shunned them (The signers), I suspect HERE is where the battles really are, deaf people who user assistance via aids or CI's/BAHA's are being made to feel guilty and suffering lack of social interaction by some spitefult Deaf, who shun them, that is the worst of it, social inter-action is all as we know, and using that as a 'wea[on' to prolong cultural aspiration, is one suer way of encouraging others to stay well clear.

Thank you! You have said it all except one quote. All Deaf people need to work together as teamwork. It s so sad to see this happens in America.. I know UK people are working together very well than America people. Sighs! Many d/Deaf oralism are out of their mind and turn against me and many other deafies that we want to make the difference to make it equally and have our rights to freedom.

We can have one language of ASL or BSL or JSL and one Engish language that relates to SE that goes with or without orally speaking that I m looking at is really FAIR choices for everyone. I have no object for people who made their choices not by the parents who have so much prejudice attitudes that where it comes from MEDICAL professionals.

Thank you! ;)
Sweetmind said:
:lol: How interesting to read this quote! First of all, you all know I am not a great English written. Right?? I know I am a good writer about deaf issues in many ways because I am getting more trusts and confidence in myself as being deaf that I learned to educate myself and from true experiences by me or deafies, whoever I meet. All I did the best I can express in my writings. There is nothing I can do that makes you mad or upset by my writings. That's only way I can reach out than have to lock it up inside my heart for people s sake. NO more for me!. Whats more! I am very sensitive to any issues because it ticks me off and dont like their feelings.

I'll be one of the first to admit that I've read your writings many times. I can see that you have a very limited spectrum on deaf issues. Part of being a writer is covering ALL bases and being as informative as possible and then stating WHY you agree or disagree. A good informative author should always maintain a positive attitude about the subject, even when they don't necessarily believe in it.

Sweetmind said:
I did the best I could use my heart to follow and listen from my true inner soul comes out that I could express myself freely without worrying about how people thinks of "all kind of emotional feelings" in my writings. I rather to say it that comes out from the bottom of my heart than have to fix those words to make you happy. I cannot do this anymore because I was too passive all those years for nothing meanwhile I couldnt able to speak it out for myself when I was a young child. and hate myself for being deaf.

Awwww. Don't hate yourself. Another important factor any good writer must possess is a strong self-image and self-confidence.

Bottom line - if you MIND, is - don't discount other opinions in your writings. You'll find that any potential book sales will benefit from it.
Sweetmind said:
[guote]Thank you! You have said it all except one quote. All Deaf people need to work together as teamwork. It s so sad to see this happens in America.. I know UK people are working together very well than America people. Sighs! Many d/Deaf oralism are out of their mind and turn against me and many other deafies that we want to make the difference to make it equally and have our rights to freedom.
pssssstttt quote is spelled with a "Q" NOT a "G"!
Sweetmind said:
Look at this private messages that I got it from Deaf activist (Nesmuth) who is strongly audist attitude that proves me that deafies and I were being very discriminated and oppression by audist attitude people. He is full of it and knew about this url. And I want his dishonest mess back to him since I dont want anything from Nesmuth who thinks he can bash me easily. SO that 's full of bashes back to him because it s not my bashing bags anyhow. Thanks!

This is everyone's business - how???? This can be constituted as harassment. You need to be very careful.

Sweetmind said:
One of your moderator removed someone 's post topic about crap theory / their jealousy of my ( ex deaf oralist) and Deaf 's successful in DeafChat site because we believe that we can make a difference for both Hearing and Deaf communities to work together as teamwork.. Also we advocate our true languages that relates to many Deaf miniorities in their Deaf cultures that I support them all the way.

Ever occur to you that it was removed because this isn't the place for it?

Sweetmind said:
Guess what, it s okay for Hearing people named someone in her post topic that is still active and I, myself as natural deaf person with ex HA am not allowed to say anything. SCOFFS! Thats Roadrunner (HOH)and his audist attitude I feel I am robbed my own freedom of speech with responsiblity and not respect by audist attitude people that included moderator (HAs) and Deaf activist (HAs).

Ohhh! I see! Two wrongs make a right!

Now you've harassed two people in this post of yours - two people have been named.

You're responsible only for yourself and your own behavior. If a MODERATOR does not feel your words are of appropriate value, then he has every right to remove them.

If you still have a personal grudge with a certain someone - take it off of here and address the situation where no one here has to sit through it. If you air your dirty laundry where it's not supposed to be, then you are just INVITING people to get involved and things will get ugly.

Common courtesy!
deafdyke said:
Huh? Sounds kinda contradictory there..... What I think you're missing is that many of us dhh folks think that Sign shouldn't be just for "oral failures." We just think that hearing parents need to equip their dhh kids with ALL the tools possible, rather then being stuck in a " this is the ONLY WAY" mode. .....
I'm sorry but I don't see the contradiction. I am in fact agreeing with you. I am saying I will try anything that works. And just because something doesn't work today doesn’t mean I am throwing that tool away. It will always be there incase it works down the road. As my comment states, I will not get stuck on a single solution but that doesn't mean I am going to only try one thing at a time either. I totally understand that he will need a multiple of solutions and apply what is appropriate to a given situation.
deafdyke said:
A lot of us are very happy that things like Cued Speech or oral training worked for's just that we're wondering WHY we had to work so hard with only ONE tool........
I will expose him to as many tools as are available and let his natural capabilities decide which one gets focused on. This I am sure will change as time goes on and he learns more resulting in a "toolbox" of communication solutions he will be able to pull from.
deafdyke said:
A parent first needs to figure out which language should be their kids' first language.......and THEN build a library of choices from there. ........
Pardon my ignorance but I am not sure what you mean. English is what we speak and that is the language of choice. Additionally, the schools that he attends are teaching total communication methods which I happen to agree with. This gives him the exposure to the library that you mention. They also focus on signed English vs. ASL because they are attempting to teach proper English. It seems that signed English would be more cumbersome for personal communications but it does teach literacy, (or should I say proper English). To me ASL appears to be an efficient way to communicate with your hands. So I like the fact that he is learning SE for proper English but I also believe he needs to learn ASL for personal communications not to mention other methods as well.
deafdyke said:
Your SON/CHILD needs to be the one to decide when and where he can use those tools. The parents' ONLY responsibilty is to make sure a dhh kid HAS those tools in the first place.....
I completely agree with that however my son is not able to make those choices yet. His "toolbox" doesn't contain anything other that a few signs that he has learned. He is not doing so well with the sign language or written but he is really excelling in the phonics they are teaching him. He also does outstanding in math. I understand that every kid is gonna learn at different paces and one kid will do well with a given method while another wont. I am very happy that the schools are adjusting the curriculum around his needs and not applying one solution to the entire class. I really applaud them for that. The first goal is communication in any form. I don't care what that is... he needs to be able to communicate.

My comment about him being shunned by the natural deaf is based on what I am learning here about the separatism that appears to exist within the deaf community. Please take this comment with a grain of salt. This is my opinion (and please correct me if I am wrong). There appears to be division within the deaf community. The naturally deaf, vs. those that use some sort of device, vs. the tweeners and then there are the audist. I really don't understand what an audist is and would like someone to explain that to me. And there may be even more division between how one chooses to communicate be it ASL, Cued, SE etc.

Since I am hearing, there is a lot I don't understand about the deaf community. I admit that but each day I am learning more and more thanks to this site and folks like you. I don't understand it all and I don't even know that our approach to his learning is correct. There are many different opinions and approaches out there which make it even more difficult to decide. I don't know it all and this whole thing scares the shit out of me. Am I making the right decisions? Is he progressing? When do we try something new? I have never experienced this before and I am really flying by the seat of my pants here. But one thing is for sure, I am not going to make my decisions by rolling the dice or sitting on my ass hoping for the best. I am going to educate myself as much as I can. That includes recommendations by the school system, my personal learning of the deaf community, and hearing the comments from people in here.

I just want to tell all of you that I am very happy you are all here and appreciate all of your comments weather I agree with them or not. Even getting bitched out by Kalista for using the term handicap. While her response felt like a punch in the stomach to me, it taught me a valuable lesson. I welcome your insight, your anger, your triumphs and anything you can offer. Sometimes I feel like a deer caught in the headlights.

Thank you all. :ty:
Rockdrummer -

Your post was very well written. :applause:

You will not find the word "audist" in the dictionary. I would suggest asking the person who uses it the most what THEY define it as. :) Basically, the poster who overuses this word is using it in a negative manner.

Welcome to AD, by the way - I see you're relatively new here. As you can see, there are quite a few conflicting opinions as far as CI's are concerned as well as the other "tools" you mentioned.

I applaud you and anyone else who chooses to make use of all of these options. Because one is deaf does not automatically render it forbidden to, if they're capable, make use of the several other choices that are presented to them - be it HA's, CI's, neither one, both of them, to speak or to sign, and so forth.

I chose to get the CI - I was pressured, yes, but in the end, I chose what I thought would be beneficial to me as a mother raising two small children and a young baby. In no way did I lose sense of what I am - and that's deaf. However, if I succeed all the while I've made my own choices, then I'm happy.
