Cochlear Implant Wait...


New Member
Jul 29, 2004
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I went in for my last appt with the cochlear implant team on the 31st of march. So now I am waiting for the response of whether or not i am a candiate. SO i am curious how long did you have to wait til u get the response?
And after being accepted, how long did it take from being accepted to the surgury?
I actually think you won't have ANY problems getting the implant. Your deafness was progressive right? That's a plus....people with progressive losses tend to do really well with the implant. I remember you saying that you don't really have speech perception with your aids....that's a plus too! Even if you were evaluated at a "conservative" implant center , you'd probaly get accepted!
i didn't have to wait to see if i'm canidaite or not.. they just do all the tests.. then 2 weeks later have to take 1 final test. so then they told me i'm candiadte...

anyway if u have heard of a new CI system nucleus Freedom.. which is the first water resident, 2 microphones, focus tech, and beam tech....

if you're getting that you should consider yourself lucky :D
I had third time on cochlear implant, two failed by wire inside broken so i decied to take third cochlear implant in took about 5 - 4 hours to operation, but i gave up when i was in year 8 because i don;t like to hear the noise and stuffs like big loud, and likes to quiet a lot....

Take care,