Cochlear decison

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Wirelessly posted

i never said that i agree with them.

You said there was no medical consequence to hearing loss and i said that others disagree with you. They see the lack of auditory information and the changes in the brain of such significance that they need medical intervention.

You have yet to show me anything that is considered to be a medical consequence. Neurodevelopmental issues are not medical consequences. Perhaps you are seeing everything as a medical consequence when it isn't because you subscribe to the medical model of deafness being pathological and needs to be treated with surgical intervention.:cool2:

And we all agree on the descriptive word used for that philosophy.
Welcome Cloogy back to the "10 millionth interlude re Cochlear Implants", As this is "alice in Deaf/deaf/DEAF land" - reality as such doesn't matter. Real people's experiences with their Cochlear Implant-don't matter- they are "deluded without the CORRECT GNOSTIC facts"- secretly affirmed by the deaf Militants.( Of course they don't exist for public consumption)

Has much changed in your sojourn here since Feb/05?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/97
All was well until June 2006. Just kidding... LOL..

Nothing changed.. Nice posting again... I'll take the insults and disrespect from JT & Co that comes with it....
Wirelessly posted

posts from hell said:
Wirelessly posted

i never said that i agree with them.

You said there was no medical consequence to hearing loss and i said that others disagree with you. They see the lack of auditory information and the changes in the brain of such significance that they need medical intervention.

There actually is no medical consequence. lol. It is not inhibiting my life span at all.

Yesterday I was talking with a few aluminis from CSDB, 1955 era... Here at the house. They seemed healthy and all. I don't know what youre talking about.

and childhood cataracts and a club foot has never ended a child's life either. The discussion was not about life saving treatments.
Wirelessly posted

i'm not ashamed of how i handled my daughter's second implant at all. She disliked the sound she was hearing because she expected it to be as clear as her old implant. She had a very strong reaction at the audi's office and was able to express to use why she was upset and what she was hearing. We came up with a plan together about what to do and within a week she was wearing both happily.

I have no doubt i'll meet her someday. Will also ask her questions. :cool2:
.... the insults and arrogance have come from you towards me in the last 24 hours.... but I guess it all depends from the point of view..

:laugh2: You are laugable. Thanks for the comedic breaks you provide.:ty:
Wirelessly posted

and childhood cataracts and a club foot has never ended a child's life either. The discussion was not about life saving treatments.

But they do have other medical consequences.

Your friend Cloggy is the one that brought up life saving issues.
According to you... To me it's a nice and warm welcome message....

According to the rules of the forum.

But I can see why you interpret it as nice and warm. I am certain you seldom receive a welcome to anywhere.
Well, folks...the trolls have arrived. And me without a fresh supply of troll food!:wave:
Any child that is indicating a strong desire not to wear their implant.
Wasn't she hoping for a new CI, but it was too expensive .. Hurray for the USA health system...
So she was happy with what CI gave her and hopes that a new CI will give her back that experience.
In the mean time, I hope she is able to keep up the communication with hearing and d/Deaf people...

Loved her sign for the band/singer.. :cool2:
No problem. You just need to get used to my way of posting.:giggle: I often expand or elaborate on something that I find to be valid.

Good to know, I'll keep that in mind. You don't seem like one who could run completely out of Troll Food.
Well, looks like things are on the verge of getting offensive and condescending again because a poster always responds with defensive sarcasm. GAWD this is so predictable.:roll:
You still have that way of insinuating that people are disrespectful, insulting, defensive, using sarcasm... while all the time it's you that is using all of these in your writing...
And I must say JT ... you do it well... like a real psychology teacher...
Wirelessly posted

jillio said:
Wirelessly posted

and childhood cataracts and a club foot has never ended a child's life either. The discussion was not about life saving treatments.

But they do have other medical consequences.

Your friend Cloggy is the one that brought up life saving issues.

and other people believe that deafness has neurological and developmental consequences.

if a child has cataracts and they are not given surgery and follow up, as soon as possible, they will end up with a severe vision loss, even if the cataracts are later removed, because of brain development.

if a child has a profound hearing loss and is not given a cochlear implant and appropriate follow up at an early age, they will be unable to develop the ability to hear and understand spoken language through listening, even if they do receive a cochlear implant later. Why? Because of brain development.

now, regardless of whether or not you value the ability to hear and use spoken langauge, that is a consequence.
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