CIs and pregnancy


New Member
Mar 4, 2014
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My CIs aren't working as well right now. I go in for a new map in a few weeks... But curious if anyone else's did this.
My CIs aren't working as well right now. I go in for a new map in a few weeks... But curious if anyone else's did this.

Hi. I has a CI. In my experience with CI and pregnant with my son. I never have issue with CI during pregnant. I had a new map once time. That is not problem. You will wait for a new map soon. :)
I saw some people saying in the CI groups on FB that their hearing would go weird when they were pregnant that they would need to get new maps... but after baby is born, need a new map all over again (but others didn't have this issue). Pregnancies can play around with the different senses apparently. For my sister, her taste was off and things she used to enjoy just tastes too different right now. I have a friend who lost more hearing and had problems with her eyesight during her pregnancies.