CI surgery, any post surgery advice?

Pandaundercover: Very interesting reading some of the responses to you getting an Implant. Having recently arrived here-July/10 with an Implant, being retired and actually having read "some" of the ASL books- Journey into a Deaf World-Harlan Lane et al. After reading- reject the ideological supposition of deafness as cultural as the use of ASL is "equivalent to "speaking/hearing". Some of your responders- have offered similar thoughts in another thread-"fingerspelling".
Much success in adapting to your new Implant- one specific action that I did-unknown at the time-was going to dances. Reason loud music to quiet people voices help your brain get "use to" new sounds-called "neural plasticity".
Not everyone here actually subscribes to the "idea of deafness as a culture". The fact that some/many? actually have to decide to get an Implant rather than REMAIN "total deaf-absolute silence". Says something-doesn't it!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I grew up without ASL myself. When I choose CI, I was young and the technology was out there so I jump right into it (I was all about gadget, baby!). I had the medical view of deafness and constantly kept trying to improve my hearing to fit in the hearing world that I've grown up with. If I took who I am now back to where I was, I probably would have turn down CI. it still doesn't change the fact that I have hearing friends and family, but they loved me enough to communicate with me when I had my hearing aids then, and they love me now.
I assume that the medical view of "deafness" is that we have Cochleas-why? I don't believe a Hearing aid/ Cochlear Implant improves one's hearing but allows to compensate for the fact of the "ear's decreased effect"- allowing some "interaction-hearing wise". I suppose glasses has a similar "function" on "eye troubles".

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07