CI and hay fever/allergies

LOL! juices have the same taste for me..I live by milk with Quick and water! LOL!

When it comes to Quik and milk, you sound exactly like me. :giggle: By the way, if you *really* want to try something delicious, mix Hershey's syrup (it comes in a variety of flavors such as milk chocolate, dark chocolate and strawberry) with milk and then heat it up in the microwave until hot. It tastes *so* good! Much, much better than powdered cocoa mixes, IMO.
Really ? Will try it when next paycheck comes through..I don't have any stipends around..even the CI batteries run out! :( that was one of the reasons to go rechargeables but Lady changed my mind..I prefer to have peace of mind! LOL! Both of suggestions sound delicious..although we don't have Hershey's here..

Here's the powdered brand that I use!! mmmm yummy!! we have sadly , only the powder , not the bottle of milk, wasn't long on the market..

what about Carnation milk with the cowboys ? did you have that ?
Really ? Will try it when next paycheck comes through..I don't have any stipends around..even the CI batteries run out! :( that was one of the reasons to go rechargeables but Lady changed my mind..I prefer to have peace of mind! LOL! Both of suggestions sound delicious..although we don't have Hershey's here..

Here's the powdered brand that I use!! mmmm yummy!! we have sadly , only the powder , not the bottle of milk, wasn't long on the market..

what about Carnation milk with the cowboys ? did you have that ?

Yes, I've had Carnation before. It's delicious! So is Nesquik.

Now that I've read posts about chocolate milk, it makes me want to dig out my Hershey's syrup (I have dark chocolate flavor) and make some hot cocoa on a chilly day like today. :) (Temperatures are in the 40s)
That's very warm for being a chilly day! here temp is still around 33C ..but getting chillier slowly
LOL I get cold very easily too!! but I looked online I think you count in Fahreneit , and here in Greece in Celsius hence the difference!! so ..
Yes, here in the States we do convert temperatures to Farenheit. We are now in the fall season, so it won't be long before snow is in the air here in Wisconsin.
oooo I want some snow too!! Here in Greece doesn't snows often , once every 2-3 years and only for a few days at most!!

The only thing I like about snow is being able to downhill ski. To be honest, I've grown tired of the cold, long winters we have here. After I earn my Bachelor's degree, I plan on moving to a much warmer climate (Phoenix, AZ).

Being from Greece, I can understand why you'd love to see snow. From what my mother told me, it's very beautiful to look at when everything is covered in white. :)
HearAgain , yes it is very beautiful..I love looking outside with a mug of hot cocoa and seeing the flakes fall..Christmas are my favourite holidays..

I remember my mother always brought me from Santa a lot of presents..the staying up late till the year changed..ripping open the presents before we went to bed..great memories!!
HearAgain , yes it is very beautiful..I love looking outside with a mug of hot cocoa and seeing the flakes fall..Christmas are my favourite holidays..

I remember my mother always brought me from Santa a lot of presents..the staying up late till the year changed..ripping open the presents before we went to bed..great memories!!


Reading your post brought back alot of wonderful Christmas memories! In my family, we all gathered at my parent's house. I have a large family and it was always nice to see relatives I only see once a year. Unfortunately, my parents have both passed away, so our family no longer gets together for Christmas. Instead, I spend Christmas at my sister's house with her family.
I'm sad about your parents passing away :(

Yeah lots of good memories and gifts!!
Glad to hear that! I still miss my relatives that passed away and I didn't handle that at all but time heals all wounds
Glad to hear that! I still miss my relatives that passed away and I didn't handle that at all but time heals all wounds

That's right. It most certainly does. In fact, with every passing year, I feel like I'm getting stronger and stronger emotionally. Hopefully you will too. :)
I hope that as before operation had total breakdown issues..other than the pre op appts to keep for CI wasn't going out of the house was very depressed...still am depressed , I do not wear sometimes my CI as I'm sometimes depressed , but I've been having better days since operation...That's why I don't write on my blog, I don't want to write anything depressive so I just try to ride that out :) today was a good day , laughing and going out with some friends , fortunately!
I hope that as before operation had total breakdown issues..other than the pre op appts to keep for CI wasn't going out of the house was very depressed...still am depressed , I do not wear sometimes my CI as I'm sometimes depressed , but I've been having better days since operation...That's why I don't write on my blog, I don't want to write anything depressive so I just try to ride that out :) today was a good day , laughing and going out with some friends , fortunately!

I have my good and bad days too. :) I'm glad today was one of your better days! :)
I got needle prevent to virus sick. I don't want to give you stop it immune. i don't know what is happened if you getting sick. I understand what is your problem feeling I need experience share your information to you. I think so best your health is change your feeling well that is good point. Avoid the sick or illness. I don't know why worst to headache is dangerous. I have bad headache. i don't blame myself. I accept to learn how positive to honest. I don't have reason how deep understand. I doin't have learn how practice. I need to more learn how better strong. I have better learn how right now. I have learn how observation to health.
I know how you feel. My mum died of cancer about 3 years back.

I'm sorry about the loss of your mum, dreama. <hugs> I don't know if I ever told you this, but my mother also died of cancer. She had pancreatic cancer and lived for 7 months following her diagnosis. She refused chemo because she felt that when it was her time to go, G*d would take her home.