Child Abuse.....

I find some of the facts hard to believe unless you're referring to the child abuse that's going on outside of the United States.

No, I'm referring to the child abuse that's going on EVERYWHERE!!!....
This is a scary movies... :tear:

The innoncent children doesn't deserve to have parents like this... Anyone who want to be parents then should think twice before want to have a baby... Not just want to be parent... Being parents is not easy job than everyone thought.
This thread is just another way of spreading the child abuse awareness and to continue to show my support for advocating the rights for children and to end the abuse...

I've helped a couple of people that were in an abusive relationship so far from Alldeaf , Tagdeaf, and even those I've met through chats, I will not give up helping others when they do seek my help, and I'm willing to do anything to save these abusive children too, These videos shown are REAL and MORE than 3 million of children are reported abuse every year, and alot of us don't know whats going on behind the closed door, so PLEASE call the National Child/Domestic Violence abuse hotline numbers that are listed above if anyone see anything suspicous...Break the silence and call now...
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This is a disturbing true story of an innocent children being abused by parents, teachers, even strangers. When a child is neglected or abused, it left a huge scar in their emotion and mental permanently for the rest of their lives. It does happen in the United States and aboard in other countries. Any children do not deserve any of this cruel treatment. An abuser should be abused and see how they feel about the effect on those children!

It is very disheartening and very disturbing things we hear all the time in the news and everywhere. Someone got to speak up for the children and put a stop abusing children. If you suspect a parents get drunk or on drugs you could file an anonomous call and the social service can do investigation to see if there is neglect that may prevent the child to go thru hell even worse.
Facts on Child Abuse & Neglect

  • An estimated 3,154,000 children were reported to child protective service agencies as alleged victims of child abuse or neglect in 1998, and approximately one million of these reports were confirmed.
  • Approximately three children died each day in the United States from abuse or neglect in 1997.
  • While the nation’s overall crime rate fell 22 percent from 1993 to 1997, reports of child abuse and neglect grew by 8 percent and confirmed cases increased 4 percent.
  • During the period 1993-1997, Prevent Child Abuse America estimates that over 5,000 children died from abuse or neglect in the United States.
  • Forty-five out of 1,000 children were reported as abused or neglected and 14 children out of 1,000 were confirmed as abused or neglected in 1998.
  • Fifty-one percent of the reported cases in 1998 involved neglect, while 25 percent involved physical abuse, 10 percent involved sexual abuse, 3 percent involved emotional abuse and 11 percent were related to other forms of child maltreatment.
  • One-half of all Americans believe child abuse and neglect is the most important public health issue facing this country, compared to other public health issues like drug and alcohol abuse, heart disease, cancer and HIV/AIDS.

Child abuse prevention, child abuse education, Child abuse & Neglect key facts: by child
Facts for Families

The statistics on physical child abuse are alarming. It is estimated hundreds of thousands of children are physically abused each year by a parent or close relative. Thousands die. For those who survive, the emotional trauma remains long after the external bruises have healed. Communities and the courts recognize that these emotional “hidden bruises” can be treated. Early recognition and treatment is important to minimize the long term effect of physical abuse. Whenever a child says he or she has been abused, it must be taken seriously and immediately evaluated.

Children who have been abused may display:

  • a poor self image
  • sexual acting out
  • inability to trust or love others
  • aggressive, disruptive, and sometimes illegal behavior
  • anger and rage
  • self destructive or self abusive behavior, suicidal thoughts
  • passive, withdrawn or clingy behavior
  • fear of entering into new relationships or activities
  • anxiety and fears
  • school problems or failure
  • feelings of sadness or other symptoms of depression
  • flashbacks, nightmares
  • drug and alcohol abuse
  • sleep problems

Often the severe emotional damage to abused children does not surface until adolescence or later, when many abused children become abusing parents. An adult who was abused as a child often has trouble establishing intimate personal relationships. These men and women may have trouble with physical closeness, touching, intimacy, and trust as adults. They are also at higher risk for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, medical illness, and problems at school or work. Without proper treatment, physically abused children can be damaged for life.

Early identification and treatment is important to minimize the long-term consequences of abuse. Qualified mental health professionals should conduct a comprehensive evaluation and provide treatment for children who have been abused. Through treatment, the abused child begins to regain a sense of self-confidence and trust. The family can also be helped to learn new ways of support and communicating with one another. Parents may also benefit from support, parent training and anger management.

Physical abuse is not the only kind of child abuse. Many children are also victims of neglect, or sexual abuse, or emotional abuse. In all kinds of child abuse, the child and the family can benefit from evaluation and treatment from a qualified mental health professional

See Facts for Families:

#9 Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#28 Responding to Child Sexual Abuse
Responding To Child Sexual Abuse | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#43 Discipline
Discipline | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#81 Fighting and Biting
Fighting And Biting | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#00 Definition of a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
The Child And Adolescent Psychiatrist | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

See Also: Your Child (1998 Harper Collins) / Your Adolescent (1999 Harper Collins). Parent's Handbooks Home Page - American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Excerpts from Your Child on the Traumatic Effects of Child Abuse

In the view of some experts, child abuse in this country has reached almost epidemic proportions. According to a recent report, more than two million children are subjected to neglect and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse every year.

There is no standard definition of what constitutes child abuse, but each state has statutes that describe the forms of child abuse. Regardless of distinctions in legalistic terminology, however, experts agree that the abuse cases reported represent a small percentage of the actual number of children who are victims of sever abuse.

Causes and Consequences
Most parents prefer to think of chronic child abuse as something that happens to other people’s children. While it is evident that certain kinds of stress make abuse statistically more likely – poverty, job loss, marital problems, extremely young and poorly educated mothers – abuse also occurs across all economic lines and in seemingly good homes. Many people blame the prevalence of violence on TV and in the movies, and while that theory has not as yet been fully substantiated, media violence may contribute to our acceptance of physical aggression toward children, It is worth noting that cultures in which corporal punishment is not sanctioned have much lower rates of child abuse.

Child Abuse - The Hidden Bruises | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Oh I didnt see there are another 2 videos.. then last video it make me feel goosegump to see the skins from the babies to kids :(

psst psst your pm is full ^Angel^ :giggle:
I can't even bring myself to play any of these. I was abused when I was a child by my father. I blame my mother for being a coward and not doing anything as much as I blamed my father. To this day I have hard feelings towards them, both are in denial about everything of course.

i am very sowwy to hear that.. :hug:
I think they have. my daughter did tell the teacher that her friend told her that her father was hitting her. but not sure what happened afterward.

last year, my daughter's bestfriend's father got caught in the school having sex with a 14 year old girl. and they questioned her bestfriend and her bestfriend admitted that her father sexually molested her and threat to kill her and her mom if she told anybody. he worked at the school.. pretty scary.

wow i cant believe that.. i am sowwy abt that
Oh I didnt see there are another 2 videos.. then last video it make me feel goosegump to see the skins from the babies to kids :(

psst psst your pm is full ^Angel^ :giggle:

yea me too!!! it made me so sad to see them alike that.. :(
Oh damn, I HATE CHILD ABUSE!!!! :mad:

When back in 1994, I was in child abuse with parent when forced to snack cake in my mouth and smashed in mouth, also all blood was spread in sink. I CAN'T believe about them that give shit on me and make me SOOOO FURIOUS. It does happen in 2001 when my dad pulled my shirt and attack with hammer then almost killed me, that iS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!!!! :pissed:

I feel bad for all of them, that make feel like soooo sad!!!
Facts for Families

The statistics on physical child abuse are alarming. It is estimated hundreds of thousands of children are physically abused each year by a parent or close relative. Thousands die. For those who survive, the emotional trauma remains long after the external bruises have healed. Communities and the courts recognize that these emotional “hidden bruises” can be treated. Early recognition and treatment is important to minimize the long term effect of physical abuse. Whenever a child says he or she has been abused, it must be taken seriously and immediately evaluated.

Children who have been abused may display:

  • a poor self image
  • sexual acting out
  • inability to trust or love others
  • aggressive, disruptive, and sometimes illegal behavior
  • anger and rage
  • self destructive or self abusive behavior, suicidal thoughts
  • passive, withdrawn or clingy behavior
  • fear of entering into new relationships or activities
  • anxiety and fears
  • school problems or failure
  • feelings of sadness or other symptoms of depression
  • flashbacks, nightmares
  • drug and alcohol abuse
  • sleep problems

Often the severe emotional damage to abused children does not surface until adolescence or later, when many abused children become abusing parents. An adult who was abused as a child often has trouble establishing intimate personal relationships. These men and women may have trouble with physical closeness, touching, intimacy, and trust as adults. They are also at higher risk for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, medical illness, and problems at school or work. Without proper treatment, physically abused children can be damaged for life.

Early identification and treatment is important to minimize the long-term consequences of abuse. Qualified mental health professionals should conduct a comprehensive evaluation and provide treatment for children who have been abused. Through treatment, the abused child begins to regain a sense of self-confidence and trust. The family can also be helped to learn new ways of support and communicating with one another. Parents may also benefit from support, parent training and anger management.

Physical abuse is not the only kind of child abuse. Many children are also victims of neglect, or sexual abuse, or emotional abuse. In all kinds of child abuse, the child and the family can benefit from evaluation and treatment from a qualified mental health professional

See Facts for Families:

#9 Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#28 Responding to Child Sexual Abuse
Responding To Child Sexual Abuse | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#43 Discipline
Discipline | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#81 Fighting and Biting
Fighting And Biting | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

#00 Definition of a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
The Child And Adolescent Psychiatrist | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

See Also: Your Child (1998 Harper Collins) / Your Adolescent (1999 Harper Collins). Parent's Handbooks Home Page - American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Excerpts from Your Child on the Traumatic Effects of Child Abuse

In the view of some experts, child abuse in this country has reached almost epidemic proportions. According to a recent report, more than two million children are subjected to neglect and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse every year.

There is no standard definition of what constitutes child abuse, but each state has statutes that describe the forms of child abuse. Regardless of distinctions in legalistic terminology, however, experts agree that the abuse cases reported represent a small percentage of the actual number of children who are victims of sever abuse.

Causes and Consequences
Most parents prefer to think of chronic child abuse as something that happens to other people’s children. While it is evident that certain kinds of stress make abuse statistically more likely – poverty, job loss, marital problems, extremely young and poorly educated mothers – abuse also occurs across all economic lines and in seemingly good homes. Many people blame the prevalence of violence on TV and in the movies, and while that theory has not as yet been fully substantiated, media violence may contribute to our acceptance of physical aggression toward children, It is worth noting that cultures in which corporal punishment is not sanctioned have much lower rates of child abuse.

Child Abuse - The Hidden Bruises | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Wow! You have given out great informations!!! Its a good thread by the way!
All public school are require to proof of immunization form to prevent from parent to start neglect against children, such as get mump, measle, rubella and other disease, that make parent to take alot of attention on children, also I like their school policies to prevent us and meningitis is need to get vaccine too.

Some school offers dental for children, that draw away from their parent, also there's eye exam at elementary school and would send request to them to buy glasses, if not then they are neglect.
Good thread, Angel. As much as it hurts to see these children, we all need to see it to remind us that it happens every day, in every place, and the family could very well be our neighbors. Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you for share great and sense information... It´s very sad... It remind me of my past but I move on with my life.......
You're all are welcome....While I was looking up some abuse web site to learn more about how to become a volenteer for victims of domestic violence programs...I came across to one site, and seeing this beautiful message banner, of a little girl, It really made me feel so sad to the point of wanted to do something to help these children, I feel like I'm sitting here helpless while more children are being abuse out there :(...


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