Channel 4 To Improve Service For The Visually And Hearing Impaired


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Jun 14, 2010
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As Channel 4 gears up for the Paralympic Games in 2012, the momentum has spilled over into all areas of programming. One very positive result is the decision, announced yesterday, to increase subtitling to 100% of programmes on Channel 4, More 4, E4, Film 4 and +1 channels. We will start moving towards this new target from July, with a view to achieving 100% by January 2011. Subtitling was introduced to the on-demand service 4oD in 2009 and the planned increase in TV subtitling will carry across to programmes made available through 4oD. At the same time Channel 4 has also committed to more than double the provision of audio description to 20% of programmes on Channel 4, More 4, E4, Film 4 and +1 channels. Audio describing will be added to Hollyoaks and Deal or No Deal from September, both of which audiences have indicated they would appreciate, with the full 20% being delivered by January 2011.

The announcement has already sparked a positive reaction on twitter, and any feedback you want to give below will, as ever, be very welcome - Blog - An Improved Service for the Visually and Hearing Impaired