Car sick?

yeah but not for short-travel, it would be disappointment that you couldn't bring dog to do a nice walk at park.

Start with long travel that ought help while give pill to dog to sleep for a while to make body habit. Seen my sister did. It was nasty vomit in her SUV. :giggle:
My dog used to get car bad that she would start to foam at the mouth just in anticipation of a car ride. On long trips we give her some children's gravol. On short ones, we usually give her a soup cracker. It usually helps to settle her stomach. Also, if your car is big enough, consider putting her in a crate for the ride. It's alot safer and might help...I know it did for mine. Zoe just lays down in the crate and goes to sleep. My vet told us that it's really common in puppies and they usually grow out of it.
My beloved dog love ride in the car. But the only time he will vomited is when he get so much excitment. So I had to make sure he stay calm. So it works.

Yea, same as our pets (dogs and cat) my cat loves to ride but we have to make sure she (cat aka "Tiger") does not get more excitement or eat more. If she does then she would vomit. Especially in summer time because when the heat comes in summer seasons, she would feel vomit, she does not handles the heat.. We would have to leave very early morning such as like 3 or 4 am it makes easier on our cat! My son's dog ( oh man his dog "Hairy") does gets excitement when we were ready to go travel and gets too excites when she was young such as 7 to 9 months old. But now we knew it and traced her things and now its much better but sad is that our cat is not going to travel anymore cuz shes getting too fat and old and lazy! I hate that! ARghhhhhhhh
My cat gets car sick when I have to take him anywhere. My solution was take a quilt off my bed that he likes and place it in the front seat. Since he refuses to sit quietly in the carrier, I place him on the blanket and cover him slightly. He settles himself in and then just goes to sleep. It's just simply adorable.


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Wow, I know some people pets do get car sick. None of my dogs ever get car sick at all. They just love going for a ride all the time since they were babies. Whenever I get ready to go to my car they just "Jumped" in the and love to put their heads out the windows. Whenever if I have to drive on a long trip, sometimes my dogs just sleep while traveling or chew their toys. So once in a while I make a quick stops to let them go to the bathroom. I am sorry for some of you have pets that are very senetive car sick. Hope there is something you can do for your pets to make their ride easier for them. :)