

New Member
May 10, 2005
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Does any of you know or heard of CapTel - captioned telephone? If so, how do you like it? I'm in process of moving to an apartment and am considering getting CapTel and a VRS service.

The link above is to go to the website about CapTel.
I have my own CapTel phone. Love it. The state gave it to me for free and I can use it to call anyone. I still use VRS when I don't have my hearing aids in though.
Captel is a wonderful device however I've found the testing implimentation of the device and program to be highly discriminatory. Seems the testers are looking to make a very sanitized report for their funders.

I had it for a year before returning it. I liked it a lot but had no patience with the operators. They misspell a lot or take forever to respond to my request. Perhaps it has improved now but I think its a great tool for anyone who wants to use their voice while calling people. I just couldnt really understand the text messages on the phone because it was often misspelled.
Nesmuth said:
Captel is a wonderful device however I've found the testing implimentation of the device and program to be highly discriminatory. Seems the testers are looking to make a very sanitized report for their funders.


Richard, you've lost me. What the heck do you mean?

What is "testing implementation?"

How is it "highly discriminatory?"

How so could the testing lead to a "sanitized report?"

Who is funding this? The STATE is! Why would they want a sanitized report?!
Meg said:
I had it for a year before returning it. I liked it a lot but had no patience with the operators. They misspell a lot or take forever to respond to my request. Perhaps it has improved now but I think its a great tool for anyone who wants to use their voice while calling people. I just couldnt really understand the text messages on the phone because it was often misspelled.

So what do you use instead?
I've had mine for quite a while, too, as I was one of the beta-testers. Funny how, when sees an opportunity to have some control over something such as the control one can have with a CapTel, only to run into stuff Meg's talking about. Da pits, right?
i just got mine and ofc there will be garble i always warn them a mini lag time would happen but i got alot of great pateince of poeple here and i called mom on her cell phone and it was good and ofc if one is talking way too fast then yah it ll garble up a bit so gotta be pateine with the spelling if u know what thier talkign abt like i do when i over look the spelling and i know the answers :) but its fun to use and i think its good for talking to families and co workers :)
I just got one from Vocational Rehab. just last week. I borrowed one like 3-4 weeks ago just to try it out, and now it's officially mine. Free too, which is pretty neat. I haven't used it much yet, but I really like it.
I loved it at first, but then had a lot of trouble with it because it would "cut off" for no reason suddenly. The company told me to try all kinds of remedies, none worked. If your connection is good, it is a great tool. Mine is collecting cobwebs in the other room. I use my VCO instead.
