Can't wear my hearing aids when I am sick


New Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I was just wondering, does anyone else have difficulty in getting their hearing aids to feel comfortable when they are sick with a cold?

I wear a pair of Siemens Pure with custom earmoulds and the rest of the time they feel great, but when I get a heavy cold, my ears go all tickly feeling inside and I can't handle them being in my ears.

The feeling goes away after a week or so but that time my world is fuzzy and I say "what" a lot.
I had that problem when I wore HA's. It was frustrating for sure. Since your ears are so small and the moulds are custom, any changes to that are going to make them uncomfortable. I had similar problems when I would get ear wax build up.

It's so nice not having to wear anything in my ears now with my CI'S.