Can you fill out my survey?


New Member
Apr 22, 2011
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I am a deaf student at university currently carrying out research looking into actual and perceived attitudes towards the deaf by both hearing and the deaf, whilst also looking at resilience and quality of life of the deaf and the hearing. I have found there is very little research in this so I am hoping to fill the gap by carrying out this research.

I was wondering if you could you help out by filling out my survey? It is a short online survey which shouldn’t take very long to fill out. If you have any queries about it I will try to answer them the best I can.

Please find the link to the survey below.

I was also wondering if you would be able to pass it on to other people who you think would be willing to fill it out (hearing people as well).

Also have you heard about Namaste, the movie. Namaste The Movie by Chase Films, LLC — Kickstarter

Thank you for your time.
Interesting project.....

As a Deaf/deaf person who wants to fit in hearing world, you have to have a thick skin. Not worry too negatively about the negative perspective of trying to fit in hearing world. Just my 2 cent.